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Posts posted by Simon

  1. Hi guys, has anyone completed the OTSR recently? Simon or Aaronspark it'd be great to know how you got on, i'm just about to submit my forms and could really do with a little reassurance about what to expect, vetassess don't give much away when you contact them... cheers boys


    Hi mate,

    you should get a booklet you can print off, this has all the elements of thetest in it. There a theory test safe, isolation, practical and wiring a motor. All are pretty straightforward just learn the safe isolation from the booklet but if you know what your doing its not that bad, the practical is easy it's a 2 way lighting circuit clipped direct and I bit in Pvc tube, radial socket and bonding just make sure you measure it out to the diagram given as they do check it. The motor is connecting via leads on a board and you have to draw a line diagram of the connections 11-12 14-15 and the likes if you know these then again it's straightforward they wil then put a fault on it which you need to rectify and explain what the fault was but go though the line diagram and you'll spot it.

    The theory is a tricky bit with some harder questions but our assessor gave 2 chances to change the answer after he marked it so if you don't know guess and you might get another go at the question. Also if you fail one of the 4 steps then you can resist that part you don't have to do it all again.


    I was nervous as hell as was the other guys doing it but I'm happy to say I passed.


    If you need anymore info I'm happy to help.

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