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Geordie girl

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Posts posted by Geordie girl

  1. Hi everyone,

    I moved to England in December 2015 and brought my gorgeous dog - a toy poodle with us.  We paid about $3000 to bring him with us.

    It looks like i'll be returning to Australia in May and can't imagine leaving him behind. We have looked at a couple of pet companies however we have been quoted over £4000 - WOW

    I know i shouldn't put a price on him but OMG that's almost 8k dollars which in total will be about 11k spent on jet setting him back too and fro.

    I appreciate that he will need to go into quarantine in Melbourne but t still seems so much.

    Has anyone transported their pet recently to Australia? and if so, who did you use and what was the cost please.

    Many thanks

  2. Hi everyone, i wonder if I can pick your brains about something please.  I am British, moved to Australia in 1988 then moved back to England in December 2015.  I am possibly looking to move back to Australia next year but i am concerned about the sale of my house proceeding and everything going to plan.

    When you sell a house in Australia, you know the house settlement date early on therefore you can schedule the removalist etc, whereas here in England, there's no guarantee until the exchange of contracts and right up until then, the whole thing can fall through. So due to this - how can you progress and book the removalise company etc.  i'd hate to think that my shipping container was packed, then the sale fell through!.

    So, if you have moved from England to Australia, what did you do, how did you manage this and how did you make it work?

    Thanks in advance 😃


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  3. On 2/9/2018 at 22:46, Scousers1 said:

    Can i ask why it was a mistake and what you thought it would be like? Compared to how it is. We have been in Melbourne 30 years and i am sinking into depression with feeling so isolatd and missing those who you know would be there forever for you.

    Hi dont be fooled when everyone says that they'll be there for you.........it sounded great while we were in Aus to come back to family and friends and everyone here said how much they miss us and how amazing it would be to be around again and how much everyone would help blah blah blah.........rubbish.  All the job offers people said they had for us, was a lie, all the help everyone said they would give us was a lie and all the visits and catch ups they said we would have was a lie.  My sisters live 15 and 20 minutes from me and i never see them unless i go to them.  My daughters struggled to fit in at school and one dropped out - something which never would have happened if we stayed in Aus and she is now in college doing a nice course but resenting it as she's academically behind others her age.  She missed out on school proms and amazing overseas trips and is often lost and lonely.

    Hubby found work fine and is settled there, whereas i have gone from 1 temp role to a part time one now to a full time one that i hate. The wages here are really poor and i earn less working full time than i did working part time in Aus.  The cost of living is much higher here and the cost of everything is much more......especially fuel and food.

    I miss the large shopping centres wandering around browsing and having everything handy (yes things are actually in easier reach than here).  Here i drive to a supermarket then have to drive somewhere else for clothes, then drive somewhere else for homewares etc......its a nightmare.

    The weather is seriously depressing and the days are dreary.....leaving home in the morning in the dark and returning home in the evening in the dark is soul destroying.......and we are seriously missing the sun and warmth (not the 40 degree days - just the general warmth)

    On the plus side, we are australian citizens and hoping to return to aus at christmas for a holiday - and fingers crossed back for good soon afterwards.

    We wont have the huge house we had, or the high salary but we will have family and true friends and the lifestyle and sun we so desperately miss and want back.


    Good luck - sorry if this sounds gloomy - it's just my honest opinion xx


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  4. Hi, well we lived in Australia for 28 years and moved back to the UK in December 2015 with our 2 teenage daughters.

    Like most our circumstances changed in Australia and we missed family in the UK so we sold our beautiful home, most of our belongings, pulled our children out of their private school and away from the only life they ever knew and regret it every day.

    It was by far the biggest mistake we have made in our lives.  Sad thing is though, our gut always told us we were doing the wrong thing, however we looked through rose coloured glasses and thought it would be great.

    Don't get me wrong - this is just our story, others move back and settle - others like us don't.


    Good luck - is it possible for you to come to the UK for a long trip instead - you know like try before you buy?

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