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Lucy Jane Victoria Hose

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Posts posted by Lucy Jane Victoria Hose

  1. Hi LJV,
    So, if I understand you correctly, you will be moving to and living in Australia and working remotely for your UK company (online, phone etc), paid as a PAYE worker (tax deducted and paid to HMRS).
    I'm not 100% sure but in principle I would think that it should be ok as long as you declare the income (& tax deducted) on your Australian tax returns.  You would bear the f/x risk of course if you needed to bring your net salary over  Worth having a chat with a tax expert (if it is a large company - there may be somebody inhouse, if not the company may be willing to pay for a consultation with a tax expert).
    The high level principles are as follows:
    • Australian tax residents are taxed on their world wide income (where and what currency they are paid in is irrelevant)
    • Australian tax residents complete a tax return each tax year (July to June)
    • There is a section on your tax return for foreign earnings and tax deducted (ATO will provide f/x rate to use - I still have a small Euro income that I declare every year)
    • You will not be charged tax twice on the same income as the UK and Australia have a double taxation treatment
    • You will pay tax at your marginal rate in Australia and receive a credit for tax paid in the UK.  If the UK marginal rate is higher than Australia you should get a refund (as the deductions in the UK will be higher than your liability), if it's lower, you may have a tax bill (shortfall of deductions)
    Worth doing IMO, at least in the short term until you get sorted in Australia.
    I had a friend in Sydney who did something similar, both he & & his wife were still working for their employer in the UK while working in Sydney.  I think they agreed their salary in AUD before they left though (ie the company is bearing the f/x risk which is a problem when the GBP tanked).
    Again, worth checking out with an expert (oe even the ATO) as there may be payroll tax liabilities etc on the employer.  An expert may recommend that you set up as self employed and invoice your company.
    Hope this helps.

    Fabulous. I would love to stay PAYE but thought setting up on my own might be easier (for them). Should I set up in the UK as my own business or in Aus? Guess it doesn’t matter just as long as I have a UK bank account they can pay into? Ty [emoji4]

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  2. I recently updated my uk life insurance as we remortgaged and are renting out while in Aus. We specifically went with AIG as our policies will remain valid even while not in the uk. Not sure if we’ll take something else out too when we get to Sydney.

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  3. Hi,


    Apologies if this has been asked before, not seen many threads on this topic.


    I’ve told my work I’m leaving. They are a uk based company and have offered to see if they could keep me on their PAYE for 3 days a week when I move. This would be amazing, but is it even possible for a uk company with no ties overseas to keep me on? They would pay into my UK bank account. They’d be paying in £s like they do now (I guess?!?). I know I won’t get taxed twice if I fill out the correct forms, but I’m just not sure if I can stay on uk PAYE if I’m a perm resident of Aus?


    Is it easier if I set up as my own (freelance) business in Aus? Would they need to pay me in dollars or could I invoice them in £s, they pay into my uk bank and I transfer every so often to my oz bank? I’ve already got an oz bank account and money exchange account set up.


    Sorry for being thick!





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  4. Hi Lucy, when we moved in 2007 we secured a holiday rental for 2 weeks but then managed to rent a house before we came. It was brand new and we had to pay the bond and start paying rent before our arrival (around 2 months if I remember correctly) so having done this imagine our surprise on arrival when our rental was not even ready to move into!!!! There are some unscrupulous people out there. I would wait until you get here for definite.


    Thank you. Appreciate all the feedback :)



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  5. Hi Lucy Jane,


    I have lived in the Balmain/Rozelle area for a long time and I'd really recommend it. It is a super area and I wouldn't live elsewhere in Sydney. It is a lot quieter than 10 years ago but still great pubs, cafes, restaurants, close to the city but is it's own village with no through traffic. A good community too and if you have kids and/or you/your OH are into footie, I can highly recommend BDFC - a real community club with teams for all ages, genders and abilities. Great way to meet new people in the area.


    It is very competitive for rentals and there is a mix of older stuff, renovated stuff and new stuff. I don't think you'd get somewhere until you see it, also 99% of places are unfurnished so you need to time for your stuff to arrive or if you buy stuff here for it to be delivered (may take a few weeks). Also it will take you 3-4 weeks to find somewhere suitable.


    I echo the comments above, get a short term furnished place to start, Airbnb, Stayz, Gumtree, Housesitting sites etc.


    Good luck


    Hi, just ref the container coming out, how do you know where to send it? Probably a silly question, sorry! But I'm thinking if we're doing a holiday let for 5 weeks but our stuff arrives 3 months later, how do I know what address to give them? Do they just deliver to the port then you tell them where you want it on arrival? Sooooo many questions [emoji4]



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  6. Hi Lucy Jane,


    I have lived in the Balmain/Rozelle area for a long time and I'd really recommend it. It is a super area and I wouldn't live elsewhere in Sydney. It is a lot quieter than 10 years ago but still great pubs, cafes, restaurants, close to the city but is it's own village with no through traffic. A good community too and if you have kids and/or you/your OH are into footie, I can highly recommend BDFC - a real community club with teams for all ages, genders and abilities. Great way to meet new people in the area.


    It is very competitive for rentals and there is a mix of older stuff, renovated stuff and new stuff. I don't think you'd get somewhere until you see it, also 99% of places are unfurnished so you need to time for your stuff to arrive or if you buy stuff here for it to be delivered (may take a few weeks). Also it will take you 3-4 weeks to find somewhere suitable.


    I echo the comments above, get a short term furnished place to start, Airbnb, Stayz, Gumtree, Housesitting sites etc.


    Good luck


    Thank you! Yes my son is footie mad, he's a winger, my little girl is into swimming and ice skating. I've seen the balmain swimming club and nearby park - kids loved it. Also been looking into figure skating facilities. The area reminds me of stoke newington in London, where I lived for 10 yrs before moving to the midlands. Will defo get a long term let! [emoji106]



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  7. I agree with all the comments above, but think 6 months upfront would be more preferred over 3 months if you could actually get an estate to sign you off in the current market.


    The pictures shown are very deceiving and the majority do not look like what has been posted! Personanlly wait till you get here and view the properties and areas.


    On a side note, you are selling your property in the UK to fund your relocation.


    Have you considered how much it will cost to buy in these areas you have mentioned? Unless you have tens off thousands in equity already, can you afford to buy in these suburbs you mentioned(had to double check and you have mentioned, some of the most expensive suburbs in Sydney which is already one of the most expensive cities in the world).


    When did your friends move to Balmain, as over 10 years ago would have been great for an expat with the conversion rate.


    Sydney while still an amazing city is now not anywhere I would want to move too, unless you have a very amazing salary to cover the actual living costs(Australia gerneral high cost of living, but the actual rent and more so the actual costs of buying a property).


    Sorry not trying to be negative, but please review your locations for rentals and then buying to be firmly settled since you mentioned you want your kiddies settled in school and guessing/assuming you do not want to move from this/these areas.


    Thanks. Yes, I'm from London originally so know all too well about house prices. No intentions of buying in Sydney, we might do a years, then move out or to VIC (we have 3 sets of friends there) after London and New York sydney is my fave place in the world. I'm a city girl through and through. Both me and hubby will probably be earning 50-100% more in oz so although rent is crazy we're hoping salaries will balance it out :)



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  8. Hi all,


    I've got my 190 and we're currently planning our move to sydney in around 12 months. Will be selling up to afford the move and have no intention of ever coming back (famous last words!).


    I'm keeping my eye on rentals in balmain, rozelle and Stanmore areas. We have friends in balmain and love it there.


    My question is, how easy it is to rent something before we arrive, my original plan was to do an airbnb for a month, but i want to live in the area we settle in so the kids can get sorted with schools quickly.


    Could I offer to pay 3 months rent upfront to secure something or is that madness? I.e. Handing my money over! We won't have jobs before we arrive, so not sure where we stand rental prospects wise, esp if competition is fierce.....



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  9. Yay - got our 190 approved today!!!! We're off on holiday later this month and its so exciting and real now. still can't quite believe it at the same time. managed to get it sorted within 4 weeks (before my 40th!! eek - EOI, approved via NSW, medicals and police checks, then visa submitted) and managed to get 80 points. (this is after almost applying for SA last yr then a rule change meant it was off for us - luckily NSW now want us - yay!!!).


    Hope everyone else is getting their visas through.


    Next stop Sydney. we're still thinking the ryde area on a budget of $750 max per week rental. I'm hoping to work in the Macquarie area if possible.


    Has anyone got any good recommendations for shipping companies? we're thinking a 20ft and taking as little as possible - i.e. no cars, or big items. I hear things like bedding and duvets are really expensive - any advice on essential items to bring from the UK?

  10. We're in a similar place. Got our case officer for our 190 NSW sponsored visa last Friday and just waiting more visas to become available. We're going on holiday to hopefully activate our visa at the end of July. I have researched locations loads and I'm desperate for my OH to go out without us and get things sorted, but he's said he's no way making a decision on a house without me :)

    Just ref the kid element, we've got 2. One aged 6 and one just turned 9, we've travelled loads with them and they always fine, much more resilient than you think. I also moved 4 times by the time I was 10 and I'm Ok (or I like to think)! Main thing is to search for an area first, look for schools, commute times etc. We're planning on seeing if we can get a furnished place for a month when we first arrive before signing up for schools and a long term rental. Good luck :)



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  11. We live in the north west of England at present. We really wanted to move to perth due to having family there. My aunt was a £10 pom and has bedn there for 35+ years. We got invited by NSW but know nothinfpg of tnis area at all. We are looking to holiday over the christmas period to active our visa so if you could point us into some areas to research after your trip that would be great. My wife is looking to work part time (hopefully to fit in with school times). She is currently working in the NHS (poor sole) and has been for the past 17 years as admin staff. She hopefully wants something along similar lines or school admin.


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    This is crazy - I work in the NHS too and my friend in Sydney is a healthcare specialist recruitment consultant. Let me know if you need help I can put you in contact. As start she an look here:- https://nswhealth.erecruit.com.au/


    We live in Notts now, I cycle to work and have a great life, but we want to try Oz for our kids (my hubby also lived there some years back). I'm sure you will but just go with eyes open, yes some things are more expensive but you'll be getting paid a lot more. Try not to get into the trap of comparing things. You are going for a new life, things will be different. Not always better, but different :)



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  12. Thank you Lucy please Could we ask that you keep us updated with things as you sound like you have an advantage to us with knowing people in situ


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    Defo yes. I'm obsessed! Been working out commute times from various places and trying to be realistic about budget and cost. When are you looking to move? We're going on holiday in July - long story but should have been moving to south Oz but due to a random visa twist we're now on for a 190 NSW, but had booked our holiday anyway so we're going to investigate places this July. Not sure where you live now but I'm thinking, based on London, anything under 1 hr commute is fine, the hills; castle hill, seven hills, baulkham Hills are longer but seriously look great. Keep us posted too!



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  13. Can't offer loads of advice except to say we are in exactly the same boat, 2 kids too. I also work in marketing / digital marketing. We've been looking at the Ryde area for affordability. We've even been thinking the hills area, no train line (yet) but looks awesome and you can get loads for your money. This site has been really helpful for us. We've got similar rental budget expectations. Good luck! http://www.homely.com.au/find-places we have friends in balmain which also looks lovely.



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  14. Thanks all really appreciate your feedback. It's getting so real now I go from incredibly excited to down right terrified in a about 5 seconds! I know we'll love it and the kids will thrive, but I keeping panicking that we're making a mistake. Probably because my parents are 100% against us going! I guess panicking is natural though. Thanks again :)



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  15. Is that your budget for rent....or total budget?


    Oops, forgot to do the reply bit. Posted below, but we have $700-750 per week for rent max I think based on potential wages. Would love to spend less, but I'm being realistic and we have to have 3 beds min, plus be no more than 60 mins max from CBD.

  16. That's renting. Wouldn't but until we were sure. Think we can go to $700-750 per wk (depending on what jobs we get!). With what we do I hope we'd both be on a min of $90-100k per annum, but I could be dreaming that ! ;)



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  17. Hi everyone,

    We've just been invited to apply for a 190 with NSW. Looking at places in Sydney. I have 2 kids, age 8 and 6. Is Ryde a good area for families? Budget wise think we'll have about $2000-3000 a month and I want to be near a) good schools, b) decent access to the main city (no more than 50-60 mins commute) and c) an ice rink as my youngest currently trains twice a wk here in the uk.

    Is the Ryde area nice? Would anyone recommend anywhere else?




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