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Posts posted by swimwiththedolphins

  1. Maths and science teachers are usually ok- but if you have to have an interview and come across as an arrogant person who knows everything- I doubt they'd give you a job!


    I don't have an attitude and I'm certainly not arrogant. My original point was about my resignation. I have to hand my notice in now otherwise I can't leave until Christmas, and we are going over in October. My partner also works. I've been in touch with a school already who have offered me some work when I arrive.


    I know the jobs are not as easy to come by in WA, I'm registered for job alerts.


    I just thought the original point came across quite nasty. My house has sold so I'm moving 60 miles away to stay with family until the visa is granted, another reason why I have to leave. I don't think comments should be made until you know what's going on with someone.

  2. It wasn't a judgement, just a comment. This is a public forum and it is often a light hearted place..


    I actually gave you very relevant and useful advice on the application process for W.A.


    You are welcome.


    From what I've seen there are often very negative comments actually. I would not take leaving my job lightly and I know more about the application processes than most people probably do. I am always well informed when making important decisions and already know the system for WA. I have family there.


    Like I said, I'm a Maths teacher. Not a problem getting a job here if I need to.


    That is all.

  3. I am definitely not very silly thank you. I am a Maths teacher in Yorkshire and could get a job tomorrow if I needed another one. There are so many vacancies. I also have sold my house so please do not make judgements based upon facts you don't know.


    I came on to this forum for support, not to have negativity.

  4. I'm in the same boat, any key info would be appreciated. I guess the next step is to register with TRBWA.Have you guys done this? Was it a simple process? I haven't told my work yet of my intentions!


    Do you need a valid visa to register with TRBWA? I haven't done this yet. We are currently waiting to be invited to apply after launching an expression of interest a few weeks ago. I handed my notice in last Wednesday. I think they were shocked (as I only started my new job in September) but supportive. I don't really want the kids to find out but as the teachers gossip more and more it's inevitable! :chatterbox:


    What do you teach?

  5. Hi Stuart


    I am a secondary Maths teacher also hoping to move near Perth (but possibly later on in the year). Have you tried to contact a few schools? I have E-mailed a few schools directly and they have been quite positive and told me to keep in touch regarding the status of my VISA. I don't think the education system in Australia is that dissimilar to here from what I know about it. I know they put a lot of money into educational research.




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