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Posts posted by Rikkeskill

  1. 13 hours ago, Ken said:

    If the date you emigrated was the first time you visited Australia then you'll have to wait 4 years. If however you visited previously then you can back date your 4 year resident period to up to a year before you arrived. The reason being that the residence period is 4 years but you can be out of the country for up to 12 months of that period - and there's nothing to say it can't be the first 12 months of that 4 year period. You don't need to be in Australia on the first day of your residence period (or on any of the first 365 provided you haven't left the country since arriving) but you do need to have been in Australia at some point over 4 years ago and can't have been in Australia illegally at any point in the previous 4 years (includes period on certain bridging visas) as that restarts the clock. I think there was also some catch that meant this didn't work for people who came out on 457s - but I don't remember why. But get it all right and you only actually need to have lived in Australia for 3 years before being eligible to apply for citizenship. Put the correct dates into the citizenship calculator and it should show this for you.

    Thanks for your response Ken. I’m still a bit confused to be honest m! Sorry mate. Quick run down. I first came to Australia back in 2007 on a working holiday left in 2009. We actually moved back for good May 7th 2015. My visa was granted March 20th 2015. I came on holiday in October 2014 while my application was being processed. So do I fit the criteria? I’ve been out of the country in the 3 years for a total of 6 weeks.


    Thanks for your help. 

  2. Hi guys, 

    hope this is the correct feed to ask. Does anyone know how long I have to wait to be eligible for citizenship. I came as a permanent resident on a subclass 100 visa. I’ve been here 3 years now. The website says 4 but I spoke to immigration a while ago and they said 3 years. So just want to be sure before I apply. 



    Rikke. :biggrin:

  3. Datstheone congratulations mate. Happy for you buddy 100 too awesome.


    I can confim we do have the same co as I got a call today from the Australian high commission saying that JM was on holiday in Australia for 2 weeks! And he was looking after her cases in that time, this leads to my update. When I applied i lodged with my police checks (didn't realise this wasn't how it's done), I sent off for my British and Aussie one at the same time, the Aussie one came in good time but the British one took a fair bit longer! He asked me when I wanted to travel to oz, we want to go early May and my Aussie police check expires on the 22nd of April so I have to do another one! My British one expires on May 16th which is fine. He told me that there's no issues with my application and it will be approved, he said he could approve it now but I'd have to travel before the 22nd of April and this just doesn't suit! Unfortunately.


    Mixed emotions really happy that it will be granted just annoyed that it's not there in black and white, in my inbox. He asked if I had any questions, I said no! Doh! Should of asked if I was getting a 100. Never mind I'm doing the police check again tonight. Will keep you all updated.


    I also said to him that I realised I shouldn't of done my police checks at time of application on a forum I joined, he said I should stay away from them and just discuss with my co hahahaha.



    a week short of 9 months.... 309, swiftly followed by the 100.....the relief is astounding!


    Now countdown till we leave, given ourselves 6 months from now, time to organise haulage, consent to let and our little cat Archie Boy!


    All the best to everyone on here, have faith, it will happen....and it feels amazing!


    congratulations mate. Bit upset I dont have mine now seeing as I'm 2 days in front of you! Hoping I get the 100 too been married to my Sheila for 4 years now.


    All best eat best in oz buddy

  5. 9 months 3 days and going crazy :arghh: Day off work today which means obsessive email checking.


    I hope that all of yours take closer to the 10 month mark, I thought 9 months was/is bad enough can't imagine what 14 months would be like.


    £390 is an amazing deal. who is that flying with? Im loving that prices are so good at the moment.



    Have ve you or bigboi sent an email yet? Really not right that you haven't had your confirmation. My 9 months is up on Friday and my co only works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. So I'm hoping to hear by Wednesday. It said 8-9 months so that's what it should be not a day over!! If I have heard by Friday im going to email. Not sure how to word it without being like WTF! Haha

  6. Hi this is my first time writing in this forum. I also applied on the 27th may for a 309/100 visa. I just emailed my co to see what was happening and they told me that one of the co's has been on leave so that may be a reason why things have gone a little quiet...anyway let's hope we get some good news soon!


    i think my co has been off. A different co replied to my email last week. Fingers crossed next week is "THE WEEK"

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