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Posts posted by Annaleis

  1. fingers crossed :)


    Hi guys


    Well we came on our tourist visa's (hubby and s'daughter) and unexpectedly told we could leave and return to get their proper ones so we arrived in Vanautu today and booked until Saturday giving more than a few working days and just got emails saying both of the visas have been granted!!!!!


    We are elated - hubby can work starting January and we all feel so much happier that him and my s'daughter are not just floating in Oz!!!


    It isn't a short wait guys (nor cheap!), know one realizes that until you start the process.....and not plain sailing when there - we have 4 campchairs/beds/camping equipment etc begged and borrowed until our house contents come.......and our beloved staffy not with us until 17th Jan, BUT we will look back and shrug at the inconveniences and grin at what we have achieved :-)


    A x

  2. We submitted a week after you.............can't be far away, I'm looking at emails every hour!! :-)


    Congratulations, my OH is going home to! :-)



    Partner visa (subclass 309/subclass 100 lodged 02/04/2015, CO (VF) allocated 06/05/2015. Police ACRO Check completed 24/09/2015, Medical Check completed 01/10/2015, currently completing a C100 removal from jurisdiction for my Stepson, looking to locate to Melbourne Berwick area with my family of five in early 2016.



    Fingers crossed for you......... it's really surreal - months and months of waiting and wondering if it will actually happen and here we are in our rental sitting in camping chairs lent from a friend looking to leave the country asap for the visas when we only just got here!!!! xx

  3. Hey all


    Well we submitted our partner app on 25/3/2015 so were expecting 25/1/16 earliest.


    Came over on 7/11/15 on tourist visas (hubby and sdaughter) and spent a few days in beautiful Brisbane then drove up to our rental (that we secured from the UK before we came) on 11/11/15.....


    Last night went on-line as sorting out medicare etc etc and had email from CO saying ready to grant visa!!!!!!!!!!


    That is wayyyyyyyyy earlier than expected which means the sooner we leave (just got here lol) and come back on proper visas hubby can work.......that will be 8 months plus weeks we are away??!!!


    We are totally in shock and have been spending days sorting medicare/school forms/car/etc etc, ( to fill time in) and quality time with the stroppy teens who haven't got the electronic attachments glued to their palms and we have had fun in the surf!!!! They are actually enjoying being outside and not freezing their arses off lol.........


    This is why I have come home - my country rocks :-)

  4. Have a question regarding tourist visas...


    We're moving back to Oz at the start of December this year, which is likely to be before my hubby gets his 309/100 visa granted, so he will be going out on a tourist visa. The intention is that we will spend time with my family and in January I'll go back to work while he looks after our son until his visa is granted and can start looking for work himself.

    The question I have is do we go for a tourist visa (subclass 600) for 3 months and then extend from Oz if we need to?

    Or does he go on the family sponsored visa (subclass 679)?

    What have people done in similar situations??

    He has a brother in NZ he plans to visit when the 309/100 gets granted to activate it.

    Thanks everyone!!


    Hey hon


    We applied a weekish after you (25/3/15) and if the ten month mark is the same for everyone, on average it would be end of Jan for both of us. I wanted to get my youngest daughter and my sdaughter in school a couple of weeks before crimbo so they could make friends for over the hols and also coz my youngest is now year 11 in the UK so needs to be there asap to do options etc.


    I got my hub and sdaughter tourist visa's a month or so ago seeing that other people on here are doing that, then panicked as hadn't asked CO first, but emailed and explained what I had done with dates, said I knew hub can't work but sdaughter can school for a bit and asked if that was acceptable and the answer was yes (phew!).


    So we have four working week left and five weeks tonight we will be at Heathrow ready to board in the morning......to say I am counting down is an under statement....even have an app on phone that does countdown on days/hours/minutes/seconds/heartbeats etc etc etc.......starting to REALLY bore people now :-)))

  5. Hi Snifter


    Just pulled up the conditions of the Tourist Visa ETA which is on the Australian Visa Bureau site :


    [h=3]What are the conditions of the ETA?[/h]Visitors to Australia must be willing and able to abide by the visa validity and conditions while in Australia. If you do not abide by these conditions, your visa may be cancelled or you may be subject to other penalties.



    • You must not work whilst in Australia. Limited volunteer work may be acceptable;
    • You must not engage in any studies or training for more than three months;
    • If you are at least 11 years of age and you intend to study in a class-room environment for a period greater than 4 weeks, you may be required to pass a chest x-ray examination before commencing your studies;
    • You must be free from tuberculosis at the time of travel to, and entry into, Australia;
    • The holder must depart within the validity of the Visitor Visa (ETA); AND
    • If arriving on an ETA with criminal convictions, you could be refused entry into Australia.
      My understanding reading that is that 'study' up to three months would surely include school?? And also the class-room environment bit (not a problem if she needs a chest x-ray)? I did read one of your posts about informing CO's and panicked yesterday and uploaded a pdf with info regarding dates and a copy of e-tickets on it asking if that was acceptable. I re-iterated I have got the tourist visas because I want to get the girls in school asap, which CO knew I was stressing about. CO emailed earlier saying yes acceptable.......wouldn't she have said that sdaughter couldn't school? Or is that for me to do the ground work out when talking to the school? I know the head teacher won't even do an interview unless you can prove you have a rental in the catchment - another reason for going then, it could take a couple of weeks to find and secure. I have been told that as we don't have any landlord references as always owned in the Uk that to secure a rental we can pay bond and 6 months upfront which would be prepared to do so school has to interview.......what we do for our kids eh???? (Don't even start me on the dog!)
      If I'm wrong and she can't attend school until proper visa issued I can always do a bit of home schooling ;-) I would suggest that just to see the look on her face lol. She would be upset if she can't go to school (yes, really) but my daughter would introduce her to the friends she makes and being girls they just kinda make friends as they go..........
      It would be awesome if visa's were granted before then but that would be very early...........
      Well done JTSpurs!!!!!


  6. Made a management decision and took a leaf out of some of your books and got hubby and sdaughter tourist visa's. Then at the weekend booked flights for 6th November!!!!!


    I know that's only 8.5 months for us but it means I can get my youngest daughter and sdaughter into school for a few weeks before breaking up for the Xmas holiday. Hopefully they will quickly settle in and make friends and new year, new school, new people in January won't be so daunting for them........


    Our 9-10 month mark is literally Xmas day (now wouldn't that be a fab pressie from Santa!) to the end of January which is within the 1st 3 month visa allowance. If it means having to leave and go in again to renew then so be it......could work out very well if visa's do come in that time as the girls will be off school still (they return 26th January) so we could do our leaving for 3 days Singapore stint whilst they are still on holidays!!!


    Also 6th November is hubby's birthday....personally I can't think of a better present than a one-way ticket to Brisbane!!!!!! I may get him a little something else to open :-)

  7. Thanks for your replies guys....oh well, one of those things I guess. No children between us, I have two daughters (who have citizenship through descent) and hubby has a daughter who lives with us. My eldest is coming over next year due to studies so just the four of us emigrating for now (and our beloved staffy which some airlines won't touch as he is on a list of banned breeds???!!!! He is THE softest mutt you could ever meet)....... :notworthy:

  8. Hey Bronyaur


    I'm a little confused with the different tourist visa's.........


    You have an ETA 601 which is a charge of $20 and you can duck and dive in and out for 3 months at a time up to a year.......Does the year start when you set foot in Aus or from when it is granted?


    I am failing to see the difference between that and the eVisitor which lets you do all that for free???


    And why would someone then pay between $135 and $340 for a visitor 600 as all I can see it saving is leaving the country for a few days???!!!!


    I have seen some posts (don't ask me where) saying be careful which one you apply for as it could negate the one you are waiting for........I couldn't think of anything worse right now than having to start again..........:arghh:

  9. Hi Lea


    Can I ask if you are there on a tourist visa? Looks like the 10 month mark is the timeframe for most people which means hubby's and step-daughter's be through end of January (lodged end of March).


    My youngest at crucial stage in education (starts year 11 this September in the UK) and wrote asking for compassionate grounds to go earlier but unfortunately schooling not seen as good enough reason......


    So....plan is to apply for tourist visa beginning of October, apparently they take a month (?) so if we got that beginning of November, all systems go for house content and tickets booked for end of November. I have read that you can extend the 3 month limit (we may need to as margins will be tight) but being there then means girls can at least be accepted into the school we want and spend a couple of days there before they break up. Hubby obviously wouldn't be able to work but 2 months wouldn't kill us and we'd be there for Xmas :-)


    Anyone else any advice for going through this route??


    Annaleis :-)

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