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Posts posted by Ohsohappy


    My husbandarrow-10x10.png is on £45000 he is Curriculum Head of the science faculty with 9 years experience a regular teacher with 9 years experience would be on about £35000. Thanks for that info, can you live quite comfortably on your salary? we are a family of 5 hoping to make the move next year. I am a special needs assistant thanks

  2. Hello, planning a move to Australia at the beginning of next year, the obvious choice seems somewhere near Geelong as that is where we have family. However one of the main reasons for the move is because I really struggle with Scottish winters . In the depths of winter it is dark at 3:45 and not light until 8:45. Even now in February things are so much better. Can you please tell me what winter is like in Victoria, obviously it varies massively throughout the state I am sure.

    Thanks guys

  3. I guess one of the real reasons I want to go is because I literally don't think I can handle another Scottish winter, I am so much happier in the summer months, even now, here i February things are getting a bit brighter, but nov, december and january are just so harsh. I would say I definitely suffer from SAD and have low vitamin d and b12

  4. WOW that is a very direct response! What I was referring to when I said out of the frying pan into the fire, was the current economic situation. Obviously if there is about to be mass unemployment then what I believe to be so fruitful about Australia would not stand true. Moving to Australia I wish to to envelop in it's culture and differences, that I have absolutely no problem with, I do however also wish to move to give my children a better future with more opportunities so this is what I was referring to. My husband has agreed to move to Oz and we are looking at Victoria where he has aunties and cousins. He is going to apply for a career break and we will rent our house out. I have great courage, determination and vision, however some people i.e. my husband see all possibilities, he has a PhD in Astrophysics, his job was to create models that show all possible outcomes, for this reason he is a lot more wary over choices.

  5. Finally convinced my husband to give Australia a go, so planning on applying for visa's later this year, however after reading some of the threads on here recently and news reports in Australian media it's making me think is Australia just about to enter what we have been going through since 2008. Do you guys think that's true and if so do you think it will be anywhere near as bad as what we are experiencing, or even worse?

    My husband keeps telling me I only see what is good in Australia so maybe just taking on a bit of his cynicism, also don't want to make a timing mistake again, did that in 2007 when we bought a house at the peak of the market.

    Thanks guys

  6. Hi giys, can anyone tell me if they have been able to secure sponsorship before they got their visa and if so did it save a lot of money? My husband is a Physics teacher with a PhD in Astrophysics and currently head of department he can get in on a 189 but we are a family of 5 and it's looking like £4500 so just trying to see if there is a cheaper way

    thanks guys

  7. Has anyone done this themselves. Have been looking into shipping our dog over with Emirates from Glasgow to Melbourne. Has anyone managed to sort this out themselves?


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