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Posts posted by Almostthere

  1. So what happened to the good old British custom of queuing? It seems a though everyone is pushing in ahead of me........come on people, it's my turn!!!! :mad:

    datstheone 05/06 JM Granted 05/03

    Rikkeskill 06/06 JM Nearly granted 05/03! (pending new Australian police check)

    drew1975 08/06 WP Granted 03/03

    LucySt 08/06 KC Granted 03/03

    JonnoM 11/06 KP

    Jkcotton 12/06 CO unknown

    yatoday 15/06 AW Granted 09/03

    LouiseCT 16/06 WP Granted 09/03

    emlobo 16/06 AW Granted 09/03

    sarah187 20/06 AW Granted 10/03

    Tomthepom1 24/06 CF Granted 10/03

    MrsW27 24/06 VF

    LisaAndFamily 27/06 VF



    JonnoM don't worry, I had KP as well so unless they work part-time or are on annual leave, I would put money on you getting your visa today. Possibly this afternoon. I received mine after 5pm on the way home from work, don't lose hope!

  2. Hi, from what ive read most of the straight forward applications with no further info needed seem to not take the full time, So 12 months would be average. With that in mind it could be just before the Xmas shut down or early Jan.


    I thought I had a straightforward application and it took 9 months to the day. I also had hoped/expected to receive my visa on the earlier side of the 6-9 wait. You really never can tell to be honest, there are some people who have their visa's 10 days early and then there's people like Sophielouise still waiting after the 9 month mark. It's a horrible process, I would expect to wait the full 14 months for the sake of your sanity please trust me on that one.


    I think that there has been a huge influx in family visa applications over the last few years, and remember not all are going through London. I'd imagine they have a set quota for family visas in total.


    Also, I think there's an element of old fashioned luck and who you end up with as your CO.

  3. I really do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you have applied recently please expect to wait the maximum amount of time (it will save your sanity). When I applied we were told between 6-9 months and had our hearts set on 6 months (married 4 years with 2 children also Australian citizens), but as you can see they have been taking the full 9 months to process. So if they are saying 10-14 months now......be prepared for 14 months.


    I feel like a big black cloud over this thread now, but I know how crazy this process can make you.

  4. I didn't submit my application online but no, you only have to scan your page with your details on it. It's really just proof of your British citizenship; another form of ID. Also, you can reduce the size of your file if necessary. (Possible option - go to file - save as - reduced size pdf) I produce documents on a daily basis that are over 100 pages long and are under 5mb, you'll be fine.

  5. I'm fairly sure from what I remember, that because you are applying in person for the passport, they just take copies of the citizenship certificate and the birth certificate which in theory means that you can be applying for both the British and Australian passports at the same time, which might cut out a bit of time for you. I'd definitely try and get the British one done before the summer rush.

  6. I think it took about 2 weeks, conservative estimate there! So about 1 week or so for the citizenship to come through, then a few weeks for the Australian passport. But then you want to factor in time for your British passport to come through as well. I would say that as long as you have all your paperwork in order and are on the case as soon as you have the birth certificate, you will have all your passports in time for July/August.


    Obviously that depends on the British passport office not being the shambles it was last summer! The Australians seem to be much more efficient.

  7. It costs $125, but you have to lodge the application in person, so you will have to go to the London office. We were lucky, the Edinburgh office was still open at the start of 2014 so didn't have to travel to London to submit the application. It's a fairly straightforward process, so I would definitely recommend getting her a passport. Be aware though, as soon as my husband had left Edinburgh, I received a phonecall to confirm the application and give my permission, and the person signing the photos received a phonecall also. Be sure to include and check the contact details!

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