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Posts posted by Miley123

  1. Sounds like it's all systems go in your neck of the woods! Good luck!


    Thanks Quoll :cute: seems all very surreal still but am really looking forward to it now, fed up living in limbo. Will let you all know how we get on.....

  2. Better late than never, I've been posting in the public MBTTUK forum for a while and just found this closed one and am loving it :yes:


    We are on 67 sleeps till we fly home arriving 5th July. Seems strange to think in a few short weeks our whole lives will change but at the moment our day to day life is pretty much the same. So far... house is for sale, job notices given, schools notified, flights booked for us and our dog, removals at the ready when we give a date... so just waiting now for house to sell and sort the cars to sell too. Think thats all this end, on the other side in Blighty we have family to stay with to start with, schools sorted, and hopefully a nice summer to enjoy a few weeks holiday before we buckle down and start trying to earn a living.


    Good luck everyone!

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