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Posts posted by srismiley

  1. Guys,


    I have my nomination still awaiting for approval: applied on 29th aug 2014.


    Not sure whats happening with immigration.


    Is there someone still waiting with aug application ?



    Pls help with your ideas or suggestions!


    Nomination applied : 29th aug 2014

    approval : awaiting

    Visa lodged : 31st Oct 2014

    approval : awaiting




  2. based on current status/blogs, for you it may take another 1.5 months or so for final visa application result.Nomination result may come soon. They are still looking after Sept applications.


    I think they are toggling between Aug & Sep applications or lost of where exactly they are..as i see more Aug applications pending.

  3. Congrats to all of you who recently got pr. Wish u all the best.


    Am an august applicant awaiting nomination and visa grant to be approved.


    my timeline below,


    Nomination Lodged: 29th Aug 2014

    Nomination Approved: Waiting...

    Visa Application Lodged: 31st Oct 2014(All docs uploaded upfront including medicals which was done on 8th oct)

    Visa Approved: Waiting...


    Does anyone have idea on how things are picked up as i see Sep applicants getting their visa grants when Aug applicants are still there waiting for their Grants..!




  4. Not me. Still waiting here. things are awful quiet, allthou i would imagine today was a weird day in general in sydney with the psychos in martin place. lots of people not at their desks etc....


    Am there and i know few of my friends too who are from August..


    No idea whats happening, as we didnt see any progress till now even after 115 days of Nomination lodgement.


    Fingers crossed for things to happen before XMAS..






    been at here silently for couple month,every day looking update from you guys maybe from page 200 something till now,this site really help....Thank's Again


    for all of you that still waiting,please be patient and your time will be coming...it's really pain when it's waiting sometimes frustation,desperate but all will good in the end


    good luck for all,Merry Christmast All...


    my timeline (i am a second applicant)


    Nomination & Application Lodged : 1st September with MA

    medical : 26th September

    Nomination Approved & Visa Granted : 11th December....:wink:


    Congrats Mate..!

  6. VISA GRANTED this morning


    Application 18:08:2014


    No contact from CO, did ourselves transition from 457. Low risk country




    did you hear anything meanwhile before grant ? pls give timelines if possible as below..

    Nomination Lodged:

    Nomination Approved:

    Application Lodged :

    Visa Granted:

    Thru MA or Self:



  7. Hi Long0110,


    All of the documents that i uploaded to my online application had a status of required from the day I added them until yesterday when i got the grant letter (then that section is no longer on my Immi account). as its repaced with the grant letter.


    Hope this helps.


    Congrats..! Do you mind sharing your timelines.

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