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Posts posted by belathehusky

  1. Age 30, Degree 15, Language 20, Experience 5, Total 70


    I did a year placement as part of my degree but they won't count this even though it was the same level work as post degree. Also my first job post uni was in accounts payable invoice processing and I was told this won't count. So I only have 4.5 years work experience.


    Did you obtain your degree from uni in australia? It should give you 5pts more for continue study for 2+yrs!

  2. The stats for the latest round are not out yet but I assume they are in to early September EOI for 70 point accountants. With 75 points you should get an invite in the next round in early December.


    Hopefully I will get mine in December, seems like forever since I started planning this now!



    your pte scored quite high how come only 70pts?

    All the best!!!

  3. morning guys!

    just wondering which email address you were sending to immi to follow up your applications?

    can i write my own email to Immi to follow up my application even though i have MA?


    Good luck to all of us!

    And thanks Belle for your reply last week.. i did check my junk mail box and i also asked my MA to do so, he said he did but who knows...

    I am having less & less faith on my MA now.

  4. Just found out something..

    I click the details of my application on immi account

    there is a list of documents that have been received by the department.

    i have noticed that there is one document (police check) status showing as "requested" and the date on that was 27/10/2014..

    But my MA did not inform me anything about this..(when we lodged the application, i think we only provide the transaction reference number of police check as it would take 4 weeks to get the actual clearance certificate)

    Also my spouse's Language ability also shown as "requested" with the date of 27/10/2014..


    Does that mean i have to provide these documents by using immi account or via my MA?

  5. hi guys!

    just found this site and saw a lot good information thanks for sharing!


    I have lodged my Nomination & 186(from 457 to 186, worked for 3.5 years already) on 02/07/2014

    but haven't heard ANYTHING ever since that.

    I called my MA last week to have a follow up for me and they still have not come back to me..

    Since it has been more than 4 months we start to worried a bit as i know someone who lodged applications approx 2wks later than us but got their PR granted last week....


    BTW is there any other way i can check the status of my application by myself??


    Thank you all and all the best!

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