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Posts posted by EllieBS

  1. I am new to this but my partner applied for his visa on the 12th Feb 2014, CO assigned 15th March, Medical done 27th May, police check on June 10th and he is still waiting. Is anyone else still waiting from the 12th Feb? It is killing us! He has already missed out on one job opportunity as the visa has taken to long! Emailed the CO a few weeks back and got a reponse from a different guy called Luis saying our CO was away. Also does anyone know if we have been together for 4 years, will my partner automatically get a 100 visa? I haven't seen him for 6 months and it is driving us mad all this waiting!!



    Just got the VISA grant through now at 8months and 22 days! is 100 visa as well because we have been together for over 4 years also.

    My OH sent and email to our CO yesterday morning so seems to have done the trick! what a relief I'm so happy its finally here!!

  2. Hi Ellie


    You say your emails are being ignored? Did you email the general email address which was posted earlier today? My OH has emailed our CO 4-5 times using this email (and replying to the last email we received from him, so the subject line would be the same) and we have always heard back within 2-3 working days.


    Has your OH emailed your CO as well, I know that on one occasion that we did call no one would speak to me in regards to his application (This seems like a STUPID rule considering the visa we are applying for but what can you do!!) perhaps this is why you haven't received a reply?


    Fingers crossed for us all next week!!


    Hi BecWortho,


    I emailed the general one posted earlier and CC'd my CO email in. still not had a reply.

    That makes sense that they would be more inclined to respond to the applicant.

    I have only sent two emails throughout our whole application process the first in regard to our medical submission which was responded to after about 2 weeks and this last one sent on the 8th month mark to see what was happening because we hadn't heard anything yet and people on this forum posted that sending an email can sometimes prompt a faster response. I have not been "hassling" my co as implied.

  3. Hi it is so frustrating we received emails from our co direct email thats the only contact we have had. We have never called or tried to. The last contact we had was weeks ago where we too were told 8 to 9 months. Fingers crossed any day soon. There is a lot of people coming out of the wood works that seem to have applied around thr same week so we must be keeping oz house busy lol


    Thanks Coxy1804,


    I have been waiting for you to get your visa cause i was sure we couldn't be to much longer after you. Do you have VF as well coxy?

  4. Hello everyone,


    I am a longtime lurker first time poster to this thread.

    Our visa timeline is as follows:

    Submitted online: 15/02/2014

    CO (VF) assigned: 19/03/2014

    Medical/police check submitted: 16/06/2014


    I am currently in Melbourne and my OH is in nottingham waiting for the visa. His life has been on hold these last 3 months just waiting for the visa to come, he's missed several job opportunities in australia and as I'm sure you all know its very frustrating. He has called Europe Services Centre twice now since we hit the 8month mark asking for a date when we can expect a decision to come through to book tickets and was told that all they could tell him was the 8-9month mark, when he asked to speak to our case officer they said we were not allowed to directly speak with them. I know several people here have commented how they have been in touch with their case officers and even know what office hours they work. When our case officer first contacted us it was through the general email. So my question to you is does anyone actually have a direct number for their case officer? and what has been peoples experience with VF? from previous comments she seems to be rather prompt at getting her visa done in a reasonable timeframe, but i feel like my emails are being ignored and the waiting is so excruciating.

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