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Posts posted by Louwarren

  1. Hi everyone, happy Friday! 

    My lovely nan died earlier this year and she left me money in her will. My dad (in UK)  wants to send it to me tomorrow and has looked at a few online transfer services (transferwise, ofx etc). Can anyone recommend which to use for ease of use for my dad and any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. 

    Thanks ?


  2. Hi there, I've not been on here for years but Poms in Oz was a massive help when I moved over here in 2009 and I'm needing help again :/

    Had a really up and down year (had baby :) had to have surgery quite soon after on same day as husband having back surgery, money troubles from being on mat leave and medical bills and husband being off work after surgery - the usual ups and downs) and my nan in the UK just died.  Anyone else had a family member who they love very much die and feel totally detached from it and unable to feel as sad as you think you should?  I honesty feel I will not be able to properly grieve her until I go to UK and not be able to see her... which won't happen for a while. 

    I can't go to funeral as my baby doesn't have a passport, I also have a 4 year old and we can't afford for us to go.  Plus I was incredibly homesick before this year and I know I won't want to come back if I go to UK (but also I would not be able to stay as pretty sure husband won't let me take kids to live in UK.... he won't move back because his parents are here).

    I feel bad talking to my family about it as they are all going through enough.  Talking to my Aussie friends doesn't help because they didn't know her.  Feeling incredibly lonely.  

    Has anyone felt like this?  Sorry for depressing post :(



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