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Posts posted by snaik

  1. May I ask if it's possible to apply directly for the bridging course, or do Aphra have to recommend you to an institution? Would it be possible do you think to apply directly to a bridging course, come over for 2 months to study and pass it (hopefully) and then apply to APHRA for the first time following this?

    Thank you


    Hi Katy,

    No unfortunately you can't. You have to be referred by AHPRA to do the course, if you aren't the college may not enrol you anyway and APHRA also say they may not register you if you try to do it that way! I don't get the logic behind it other than then would be losing out on application fees. You can come over for the 2/3 months, pass and go back, alot of the students on my course were from India and Phillipines and just on student visas as they have to pass the course, go home then apply to AHPRA again and then for sponsered visa! If you have worked in the UK then you will def pass the course, there'll be nothing to do that you haven't done before!! When you planning on moving over??

  2. Hi,

    Sorry its taken me soo long to reply. Been a tough couple of weeks. Was gonna reply when I got back from Melbourne cos kept losing internet connection where I was staying which was doing my head in. Then the day after I got back mu husband got a phonecall from his family in India saying his brother had suddenly died and so we had to arrange flights to get him back there asap. So I was left to sort the kids and unpack all the boxes that had arrived off the ship while I was away!!

    ANyway enough of my woe's and back to your questions!!

    We are renting a house in Wishart which is south of Brisbane. About 20mins from CBD. Nice area, good schools and friendly people. Although we have had a tough time lately I have no regrets to coming here. I love it. Even on a low day the sun brightens me up!! Its feeling like home especially with all our things now here.

    As for the course, I had to pay a $150 application fee, then 50% of fees on accepting the place. I was then told as long as I paid the rest by the time my placements start that would be fine. I have done this today as placement starts next week!!

    ANymore questions just ask, not a problem. WIll try to answer quicker next time though!!

  3. Hi Nursebucko,

    It is a hassle but the way I see it, whats a nine week course after all the waiting thats been done for anmac and visa's. And for once you arn't just sitting waiting but actually doing something. So it goes real quick. I'm not working but one of the girls on the course is a care assistant in a aged care place, so theres no reason why you can't. We were lucky in that we sold 2 houses and therefore had a bit of money to use to start with. Don't want to use it all though otherwise will never be able to buy here. My husband has started up a handyman business and is now getting an income so been quite lucky. i did approach one agency about some care work in Brisbane but they said I needed experience first. They said that as soon as I had started my placements I could contact them again as that counted as experience! The college I am using is ETEA. They have abase in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth but placements can be done anywhere. It is quite an easy course. You have to do drug calculations with 100% correct but you can resit a number of times in necessary. Complete a medical terminology handbook. Pass BLS and handwashing practical. Do a 2500 word assignment. The lady who runs the course is called Michelle Read micheller@etea.edu.au but she is away this week, the other person you can talk to is Vinny vinnyc@etea.edu.au. They both seem a little crazy but nice at the same time!! Apparantly alot of students end up with an offer of employment while on placement so fingers crossed. Mind you ideally i would like a job in one of the bigger public hospitals but anything will do to start.

    Who you coming over with and what part of Queensland are you looking at?

  4. Oh just one other thing I though of. If you are coming to do the course over here or I guess even to go straight into a job make sure all your vaccines are up to date. I knew I had had vaccines as a child and as a nurse but didn't think about the fact I would be asked for proof. I have had to have serology done for mumps, measles, rubella, tetanus, diptheria, pertussis, hep b, varicella zoster. I also had to have a mantoux even though I have had a bcg in the past and a chest xray as part of my medical to get in the country!! My mantoux was therefore positive resulting in having to have yet another xray. Thankfully I have managed to have all this done for free using medicare (apart from having to buy one vaccine as for some reason had no immunity for mumps).

    So I guess what I'm saying is get it done before you come over cos its a right hassle. Although it hasn't really cost me, it has taken 4 visits to GP, one visit to radiology, visit to pharmacy, and all in an area I don't know, and am car less as staying with a host family while doing this course in Melbourne.

  5. I am a diploma trained adult nurse. I knew I would not get registration but had to go through the process of applying so that I could get referred for the bridging course. My main problem is that i live in Brisbane but there are no bridging courses in Queensland. After a lot of ringing around I finally found a college that did the theory in melbourne but will let me do the practice in Brisbane. So not so bad. i found the cheapest course was in Perth for $10900, they said this was a 9 weeks course. The course I am doing is $12000 with 3 1/2 weeks theory then a minimum 4 weeks practice.( could be longer depending on how quickly you do your competencies. But being from UK should be 4). I am nearly at the end of the theory part. It is the most mind numbing course I have ever done. Feel like I am teaching the class half the time!! Manual handing, bed making, bls, drug calculations. They use small private hospitals for the placements. I am going to a 50 bed hospital. I come from emergency nursing in an 800 bedded hospital so think it will be a bit of a culture shock!! But all I am thinking is come the end in approx 5/6 weeks I will be able to register, get a job and not look back. Just see it as the last hurdle I have to face and I'm nearly over it already

    It is a pain in the arse having to do the course but if you want to live and work in Oz enough then just get on and do it.

    The only problem at the end is that of course AHPRA do not make it easy. They require you to apply again for registration. They don't charge the overseas fee but still the reg and application fee. They also need yet another police check and another verification of regsitration from nmc. But I guess it could be worse.

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