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Posts posted by ajg73

  1. I now have my visa! Went straight to the 100 :)


    If useful for those that make the move to Australia before grant, summary of what I experienced over the past week was:


    - Email received last Wednesday (1/10) from my case officer (KP) saying my visa ready for grant, that needed to leave Australia before it can be issued, and to provide details of my trip to leave Australia (flight number, departure date and time etc). Clear message from case officer that need to leave Australia for a minimum of 3 working days.

    - Booked a flight to NZ and emailed trip details to my case officer the next day (2/10)

    - Had a reply email within 24 hours saying my visa would be granted on 7/10

    - Flew to NZ 6/10

    - Had email confirmation of 100 visa issue yesterday

    - Drinks to celebrate :)


    Flying back to Melbourne tomorrow morning.


    So....took a total of 8 months and 24 days from application to grant, although if had stayed in UK until issued would have been 8 months and 17 days.


    Good luck to everyone waiting - it's worth the wait!

  2. I have some news too - received an email from my case officer this morning saying that my visa is ready to be granted - woohooo!!!!! Will be heading offshore from Melbourne to NZ for 3 days next week so that it can be granted. Took 8 months and 18 days to this point (submitted via ImmiAccount on 13th January)...


    This forum has been great - to those of you that have recently received your visas congratulations and to those still waiting good luck!!

  3. I am hopefully only a few days away.... Hoping I go straight to the 100 Partner Visa rather the 309 given I got married to my Australian wife 9 years ago and we have 2 young children....


    I read somewhere recently that for the 100 you don't need to go offshore for It to be granted if you are already in Australia (but you do for the 309) - does anyone know if that's true?

  4. Thought I'd drop our CO an email over the weekend to remind them that we are flying to Melbourne this Sunday. Had a reply and reading between the lines sounds like it will be closer to 9 months (which from the posts here seems to be the current timeframe - we're at 8 months and 3 days today).... So expecting to pay NZ a visit at some point in the next few weeks!


    Not going to contact my CO again unless go beyond 9 months (12th October)....

  5. Congratulations to you both!! Was obviously worth the nudge!


    I'm tempted to send an email myself as will be 9 months next Thursday. I also sent full application without any need to send off further info and had medical/police checks as soon as advised. Knew it would be hard but this waiting business is even tougher than expected...so glad to see there is light at end of the tunnel!


    We have the same case officer (KP) so will definitely be keeping an eye on when yours is granted!

  6. Good luck to everyone who sounds like they are very close.


    We'll be at 8 months next Friday….


    We have only contacted our CO (KP) once, about 6 weeks ago, and that was to discuss fact that I will be flying to Melbourne on 21st September on a tourist visa with my Australia wife and children. If my visa isn't granted before we fly (will be 8 months and 9 days at that point so have everything crossed!) I'll then fly to NZ once we're in Australia for a few days to collect it.


    CO was fine to discuss this and I gently asked if he could give an idea of when I could expect the visa and he held to the 8-9 month line. Wasn't expecting any other response to be honest!

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