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Victoria Carol Gadd

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Posts posted by Victoria Carol Gadd

  1. Congratulations to everyone who has received their PR this week!

    It felt like they were processing December Applications for ages- I am so happy they have moved onto January as I am early Feb!

    Hopefully not too much longer! :hug:

    My mum is coming over in 3 weeks so I am thinking maybe I am supposed to get the news when she is here! haha x :jiggy:

  2. Yes .. processing timeframe is different between LR and HR country according to my exp. and after reading threads on this form. people from LR country getting their decision before 6 months but from HR 8-12 months



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I'm from a LR country and been waiting for 8 months & 2 weeks! :(

  3. AndyRoo's was granted (see below) The wait is driving me crazy! Fingers crossed we hear something soon! Good Luck to You.


    quote_icon.png Originally Posted by AndyRoo viewpost-right.png Whoop got my PR today. It's been an epic journey but the day has finally come.


    nomination lodged 2 Feb 2015

    Nomination granted 20th Dec 2015

    visa lodged 28 Feb 2016

    documents requested 7 September 2016

    visa granted 30 Sep 2016


    Theatre manager.

  4. Hi Guys,


    I am new to the site.

    I applied for my 187 Visa on 5th Feb- Still waiting (on site). My friend applied for her 186 2 weeks before me and it was granted just over 3 weeks ago.


    Feeling very stressed and nervous as you all probably know too well! I am moving house next week and just signed a new lease- I feel like I can't get excited about it all yet though because of the big weight of the visa decision on my shoulders.


    Has anyone else applied around the same time as myself and had any updates or been granted?





  5. Hello!


    I am new to this brilliant forum and I am hoping some of you lovely people could help me out with a few things, firstly i'll tell you a little about my situation.


    I am 25 years old, from the UK. I have a business degree in Events Management and currently work as an assistant manager for a health and beauty company. My sister moved to Perth September 2012 as her now finance moved over there a few years before with his parents who had enough points. He now has citizenship and an Australian passport. My sister went out on the year working visa, she didn't complete the 3 months working on the land as she applied for a spouse visa and is currently on a bridging visa until she hears back from the outcome of her application.


    I am now wanting to move to Australia and I am wondering what my best options are. I am wanting to move in June 2015.

    Should I apply for a working visa, complete the 3 months in order to get a second year visa? But then what happens once the second year is up?

    What about a student visa? I know you can only work 20 hours per week when on this visa which is not a problem.

    Should I complete a course in the UK for a job that is on the SOL eg a PGCE in teaching before I leave? But then do I have to have so many years experience working in that role?


    Also I am thinking of possibly using a migration agent, Does anyone have any experience of using one? If so what are your thoughts and anyone you can recommend?


    And lastly, what advice can you give me? Anything would be appreciated. I have spoken to people I know from various different age ranges who have done it however I am always willing to listen to more experiences, especially as all the people I know live in Perth, what is it like in other parts of the country?


    Many Thanks for your help


    Victoria X

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