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Posts posted by LaurenCatriona

  1. My application was acknowledged on 11th June. I have been following this thread avidly, taking comfort from the fact that most grants still seem to be around the 9 month mark.



    Congratulations!! I'm so happy it finally came through for you and before your flight date!! I was going back through the pages there just to check if you'd updated!! Yay not long at all now until you finally get over! :)

  2. Hi everyone, thought I'd post a brief update and run down on what happened when we got our 309 visa!


    So since we had applied offshore on March 20th 2014 but moved back to Australia in October on a tourist visa, when we got the email saying the 309 visa was ready to have a decision made on 18/12/2014, we had to book our flights to Bali from Perth. We had until the date of his police clearances expiry to be back in Australia by.


    We booked the flights for Monday the 5th of January and then returned on Friday the 9th of January. We had to be out of Australia for at least three business days. On the Wednesday morning we got a phone call from the agent saying our email with the visa was waiting for us! So in total it took 9.5months to get, BUT the email saying it was waiting for a decision to be made came through at 8months 28days.

    We had to print off the email and visa letter and take it to the airport with us. When we arrived, he went through the machine passport control and then went to the man at the immigration desk and asked him to make sure he had entered on the 309 and not the tourist visa. So all went smoothly there :)


    Best of luck to everyone, the waiting is the most horrible part :(


    Lauren xx

  3. @Summerandtilly- good news- my partner has just been granted his subclass 309 visa, 8 months and 11 days wait and we are over the moon (lodged paperwork 20/3/2014). We fly out to Australia on the 22nd December so we get there just in time for Christmas. It has been a long wait but now we have it, it all feels worth it and we can relax/celebrate. Good luck to everyone else xxxx


    I just saw that you got yours!! congratulations!! I wish ours had come through too since we applied on the same date, I wonder why theres such a big difference :( Who was your CO?

  4. Today I had the call from Australia House and email confirmation that my visa has been granted. 8months 20days. Those still waiting good luck to you all and stay positive as I am sure you will hear very soon.



    Congrats guys!!! Im so happy to see grants coming through.


    We are still waiting at 8 months and 28 days and are really hoping for it to be through before christmas!! Our case officer is KC and our agent says shes been out of the office. Does anyone else have KC? Any grants from her?

  5. Great to see so many grants :) We applied on March 20th so I hope they start granting March soon!! We're so happy to be in Oz already on this tourist visa but my boyfriend is going crazy not working, plus he still has to fly out to Bali and it looks like that will be during schoolies now! I'm really hoping they do a load of grants before Christmas. We last heard about a week ago from the CO saying it will be closer to 9months now for London applications.

    Good luck to everyone waiting and congrats to you all who have had the golden email!! x

  6. I now have my visa! Went straight to the 100 :)


    If useful for those that make the move to Australia before grant, summary of what I experienced over the past week was:


    - Email received last Wednesday (1/10) from my case officer (KP) saying my visa ready for grant, that needed to leave Australia before it can be issued, and to provide details of my trip to leave Australia (flight number, departure date and time etc). Clear message from case officer that need to leave Australia for a minimum of 3 working days.

    - Booked a flight to NZ and emailed trip details to my case officer the next day (2/10)

    - Had a reply email within 24 hours saying my visa would be granted on 7/10

    - Flew to NZ 6/10

    - Had email confirmation of 100 visa issue yesterday

    - Drinks to celebrate :)


    Flying back to Melbourne tomorrow morning.


    So....took a total of 8 months and 24 days from application to grant, although if had stayed in UK until issued would have been 8 months and 17 days.


    Good luck to everyone waiting - it's worth the wait!



    Congratulations! :) Thanks for posting that bit of information there- my partner and I are flying to Perth on Tuesday next week and our migration agent really wasn't very clear on how things go when the visa is about to be granted. Have a safe flight back and enjoy your life in Australia!! :)

  7. Thanks so much for the reply. I'm planning on doing health/police checks in October as the longest wait I've been given is 14 months. This way even if it takes that long, they will all still be valid. I'm a pretty positive thinker and am trying to see this as happening for a reason.


    Do you know much about the bond that the sponsor has to pay for the 12 month tourist visa? I read that it could be up to 15,000 AUD which isn't really an option for us at this point. If I go on the 3 month tourist visa, I'm planning on applying for a working holiday in NZ and spending some time there after my first 3 months is up. That way I get to see somewhere new, earn some money, and it's a lot easier for my husband to come over for a few days here and there than flying to the UK! If we had the option of him coming here for the processing time I think we'd do that but as this was unexpected it's not an option. Work, life, dogs to be taken care of!! It's tough as we only got married in March and his family isn't in Melbourne, so he's there alone at the moment.


    Like I said though... it all happens for a reason. It's not always obvious exactly what that is straight away but it always shows itself eventually!!

    x x x


    Ahno that must be so hard to be away from him and your dogs :( Especially knowing he's there alone too! Sounds like a good plan to do the checks and medical in October. When we organised that 12 month tourist visa I was very wary of this bond that they said had to be paid but it was never once mentioned throughout the application and we had it granted within two days without any bond. The only fee we paid was the $AUD130 which is the set visa application fee. I don't know how much this bond option can vary in different circumstances. We sent an explanation with our tourist visa application and the letter from the case officer saying when the application for PMV was received and estimated to be due. We have to have bank statements with us when we arrive in case they ask to see any proof of finances and we have a folder with all our documentation in it regarding the visa applications for when we arrive. It's very normal for people to go over on tourist visas though so I think they just make it sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is. Looking for the working holiday sounds like a good idea for NZ.

    Best of luck with everything :) x

  8. Hi there,


    I'm new to this but so glad I found this forum! Here's my story... I sent off my application on Friday (15th Aug), was assigned a CO on the Monday. Have been informed to hold off on sending police checks and health checks until February. A little disappointed... I have recently returned to the UK from Melbourne for my sisters wedding and due to a damaged passport, and my previous student visa expiring, and a sequence of other events, had to apply from here. Now I am wondering if it is ok to return to Aus on a tourist visa to at least be with my husband(and dogs) while this visa is processing. I understand that I have to be out of the country when the visa is granted, but is it possible to stay on a tourist visa between now and then? It seems that you can come and go on a tourist visa every 3 months for up to 12 months, is this right? Any help would be appreciated!



    Hi there MrsL!

    I'm sorry to hear that they told you to wait until February for getting the police checks and medical done.. In the long run though at least it is covering you so they won't expire (I had all mine done early and then the waiting times extended!). The waiting sucks!

    My partner and I have decided to go with the tourist visa in the meantime- I'm Australian and he is from the UK. We were originally looking at the three month one but instead were advised by a migration agent to go for the 12month tourist visa. It's a bit of a hassle as it's a whole application in itself but it's definitely worth it because it means he can stay there no worries until the partner visa comes through. We sent off copies (online) of the letter from the case officer saying when to expect the visa which for us will be 2-3 months after we arrive. The 12 month tourist visa just covers that extra ground and means you don't have to keep leaving. If they knock that one back though then at least you still have the 3 month one as an option.


    You have to keep your CO updated on any tourist visas and travelling to Australia- you're already aware that you can't be in the country when you get the partner visa granted but they do give you a full week of notice before it's granted so you have a bit of time to leave.

    You can't work on the tourist visa- so you will need proof of funds for financial support between you and your husband. You can still have medicare if you have a tax file number in Australia, but can't have contracts or study for more than three months.

    Hope that helps a bit :)

    Lauren x

  9. Hi Lauren, I'll give you my experience. I'm in Brisbane on a 3 month tourist visa. I've been informed by my case officer that I can go offshore at the end of the month and the visa will be granted.


    I flew last Friday on a one way ticket. I was worried that I would be pulled up at immigration. I put down 3 months on the card for my stay. However, I wan't asked anything, I gave my card over and they said go to the exit to my left.


    Hope that helps. I suppose everyone might have a different experience.


    Kind Regards



    Hi Mark,


    Thanks so much for replying, that really helped take some of the worry away from going over on a one way ticket. Good luck with everything :)


  10. Got email from CO advising me that ready to grant visa and advising me to leave country (We moved out 5 weeks ago) So happy!! As much as I am already in Australia in feels a bit like living in limbo till able to get visa as so much that unable to sort!!

    So my visa took exactly 8 months!! Been constantly checking emails for last couple weeks!!

    So am going to Bali for a few days on Monday!! :-)



    Congratulations! :)

    Would you mind if I asked a few questions about moving to Australia before the visa came through? We are looking at doing that in October which would be about the 7 month mark for us. Did you have any issues arriving on a tourist visa? Did you have a one way ticket or a return? And what did you put on your landing card? We were told booking a return ticket would mean no questions asked upon arrival but is it play to just book a one way ? Thanks. :) enjoy your trip to Bali! :)

  11. Hi! I'm new to this forum but it has been really helpful whilst I was compiling my application so thanks!

    My subclass 309 application was received at Australia house on 16/06/2014 and I was assigned my CO today (10/07/2014), 3 weeks and 3 days after receiving!

    I have to wait until after September to do police/medical checks - I have to do a Australian police check as I lived there for a year, but I was wondering if anybody had any idea if they will send the certificate back to me in England, or if I have to give them an Australian address?

    It's probably a silly question, just don't want to make any mistakes!!

    Also, does anyone know how long it takes for a medial check appointment for the hospitals in London? Is it fairly easy to get one?

    Thanks :)



    Hi and welcome :) We had to get an australian police check too but it was done so quickly and they posted it to us in Ireland too :) It only took two weeks for it to come through and cost about AUD$40 I think. You got your CO quick! We applied in March and it took 6 weeks! It was easy for us to get a medical booked in Dublin so I'd assume it'd be similar in London. There's a whole department for visa medicals and we had to wait two weeks for a free appointment. They had everyone at the same time though so it was first come first served. Our whole process including waiting as we got moved around was about two hours. If they did it all together it'd be quicker but we had someone in front of us, and each examination was done in different rooms and then we had to wait half an hour for an xray too. Just make sure you book at the panel approved ones on the list on the website :) What are your CO's initials, if you don't mind me asking?

  12. Hi @LaurenCatriona,


    We would seriously be asking for some kind of refund from your migration officer if it were us!!!! We were back in OZ earlier this year and met with many migration agents and mentioned the 5mth time frame on the immi.gov site and they all said we would be looking at the 9 mth mark, once back in the UK we also contacted a few migration agents here (see if we could get a slightly cheaper quote to help with the process!!) and again were told the same 9mths. All agents also mentioned we should wait until assigned a CO and told to do our police check and medical due to the time frame on them being valid to enter OZ with approved visa etc.


    It's so disheartening to see a migration agent (whom we would all hope to be able to trust with this important task) giving incorrect information, they of all people should be up to date with the above information. Please please ask for some money back, it could be part of an airfare!!!


    We too have lived in numerous countries and that's why we considered using an agent, after finding out more, reading threads and already having done similar process for the UK with and without the help of an agent we decided to do it on our own, a long process but we did it!


    Good luck we hope it all goes well, we'll keep an eye on your progress and fingers crossed you can get some airfare money back out of that migration agent!!!!



    Thanks very much for your support :) we were so upset when we heard the actual length of time to process, but the stupid thing is that we originally thought it was 9-10months and it was her that convinced us it was definitely going through in five months, while always quietly adding that she had to of course advise us that circumstances can always change. She said hers had been going through in that time but I'm not convinced at all now. And it's not fair when you pay so much for someone! She even cost us three weeks in our application because she had made a mistake in it and it had to be redone :( but at least it's all in now and just the waiting game. I don't think I could ask for any money back, I had already bumped her down from her original price because I said I had everything ready and it just had to be put together properly as an application. And I'd be scared to say how annoyed I was with her until after we get the visa!!

  13. I'd inform them now that you plan to go over on a tourist visa at such and such a date and apply for the tourist visa ASAP too. If you leave that till later and it happens to cross over with the partner visa it could possibly cancel out the partner visa (say it gets granted a bit sooner and you apply for the tourist visa around the same time). It's not worth leaving it if you know your plans. Also it may be your CO might even grant it to tie in with your departure.


    I informed my CO we planned to depart on X date and told them this in the May. Visa was due to be granted in between Sept 26-Oct26 and that we planned to depart in early Oct. I also said that I understood if there visa was not granted by then I'd be going over on a tourist visa and then offshore for grant. CO told me to apply for tourist visa before doing anything else, once granted then I'd be ok to book flight and so on. My visa grant them came through at 7 months and so I never needed to use the tourist visa and my landing in AUS validated my partner visa :)



    Wow that's fantastic! We are looking at leaving at the 7month mark so I will definitely get in contact with the case officer and let them know that. I didn't even think that the tourist visa could run the risk of cancelling the partner one. Did you just go for the normal free three month tourist online? That's brilliant for you the visa came through in time :)

  14. Hi everyone, thanks so much for your replies, that really does help! @Jayney77 - Thanks for that, I wasn't sure on how it works with the CO for leaving the country and re-entering to activate the partner visa when it does come through. Did you go over there on a one way ticket? I was reading that people seem to say to go over on a return ticket in case there's any issues or questions upon arrival with no departure. I didn't know if that was being over cautious though.

    @StevenLozza- I hope yours comes through really soon, if it's been 8 months already then you're definitely close! The waiting really is horrible :(

    @Chloe Emerson- Did you have an agent or someone to tell you it was 5 months? They really should change that on the website to say longer than 5 months because there's a big difference in 5 months and 9 months when you're trying to plan such a big move. We will definitely be going over on a tourist visa first and wait it out there, it'll be very difficult to move in the extreme season change in December/January. Plus the cost of flights around Christmas!

  15. Plenty of people go over on a tourist visa and wait for their grant to come through. Then head off shore for grant to happen.


    Ensure you get the tourist visa in plenty of time and inform your CO of your plans. I don't know the ins and outs of removing your agent but hopefully others could help there.


    That your agent told you 5 months when it's been 8-9 for a long time now is a bit strange. I don't recall 5 months being the norm for well over 2 years now, if not nearer 3. You won't have much time to validate but as it's a case of going off shore then it should all work out as you liaise re dates and so on and get a bit of notice.


    The office does shut down for Christmas and new year iirc but they work as usual in the run up from what I read. You have a month before so hopefully it'll get granted in advance of Christmas and getting off shore should be ok.



    Thanks for your reply, that eased my mind a bit :) I don't know why we were ever told 5 months, she was very certain about this as well and said it should only vary two weeks either way. She said it was possible to change but that her updates had told her 5 months was the normal average.

    We're really hoping to have it before Christmas but still preparing for the worst case scenario where it might take longer. Do you think 4-6weeks is enough notice to give the CO of our intentions or should we inform them sooner?

    Thank you again :)

  16. Hi everyone! :cute:

    I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm doing this right! I spent the morning reading a lot of your posts and found it to be very helpful so I would like to post the update for my visa 309/100 application.


    I am Australian and my boyfriend of nearly 3 years is Scottish.

    Applied offshore from Ireland via London with a migration agent on March 20th 2014.

    Police Clearances were all done in February and submitted with the application (the migration agent told us to do this but a lot of people seem to have been told to wait until after applying to do this. We needed three- Australia, Belgium, and Ireland)

    Medical done and submitted on April 7th 2014

    CO assigned on May 2nd 2014

    CO is KC

    Estimated time frame she gave us is 8-9 months


    We went with a migration agent because we had a lot of documents from living in 3 different countries together in the last 3 years and were feeling very overwhelmed. We were originally told processing time was just 5 months by the migration agent and then she emailed us at the beginning of June to say we had been assigned a case officer (four weeks after she had been assigned) and to expect it to now take an extra four months. We were devastated by this news but after reading up on here and other forums, 8-9months seems to have been the consistent time frame for applications for at least the last year so I don't know why she would have ever told us 5months.


    Despite this, we are staying with our original plans of moving to Australia in October 2014 but on a tourist visa, so I can work whilst my partner waits for his visa to come through.


    Has anyone else done this? And are there normally delays with visas coming through around the christmas period? Going by the dates we would expect it between November 20th-December 20th. Does anyone else have KC as their case officer?


    We are also planning on meeting with the migration agent in August to go through our plans of moving to Australia on the tourist visa and want to change our details to us being the primary contact from the CO instead of her as we don't trust her to be a reliable source of contact. Does anyone know if this is complicated? I think there's forms to be signed and filled in to transfer the contact details :confused:


    Thanks everyone, and congratulations to everyone that has finally had their visas approved!! :)

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