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Posts posted by Clairemolly6340

  1. Hi all, have been lurking on this thread but little info to post. I applied to ahpra last december. I have a top up honours degree which has met their criteria however I have not been able to meet criteria 8 for pharmocology etc. post qualification cpd in medication etc and workplace assessment does not meet the criteria. So sadly even an honours degree in nursing will not guarantee registration. Some people earlier in the thread were asking about criteria 8. If you are still in the uk I would advise to organise it before trying ahpra. My case officer ssid only degree level modules done post qualification count. My diploma level intensive care course had pharmocology but this still didnt meet requirements.

    Hi Gaia

    thats is a disgrace what they have done to you! So now they're finding loopholes to refuse you reg even when you a degree?? I really don't get what they're playing at. I think that they just don't want uk nurses anymore! I feel sick for you. Are you in oz or the uk?

  2. Hey everyone, ok update from me. The Rockingham Telegraph are doing a story on my wife on Thursday regarding our family being given PR and refused registration to work on arrival. We are going to milk this for all we can so if there is anyone else in Perth or Rockingham in the same situation please PM so we can include you. We are going to put in about the fact we are claiming $2200 a month In news start job seekers allowance, rent allowance and child tax benefit. All of which we wouldn't be if we as been treated properly on arrival and allowed to work. After forking out £12000 to be here We are going to claim whatever we can. This will wind the readers up big time and the local MP and immigration will also be asked to comment. I would be furious if we were in the UK and were importing people who are forced onto benefits. So let's see if we can embarrass AHPRA into action. I will post a link to the story when it comes out and urge anyone else already in Australia to contact their local paper.

    Brilliant!!!! I'm loving that!

  3. Can anyone put a link up for that page please? I've emailed the federal MP and my local MP so hopefully I'll hear something back soon. I've also had a reply from the TRA.........



    Thank you for your enquiry to Trades Recognition Australia (TRA).


    TRA is a skills assessment service provider which specialises in assessments in trade occupations for the purpose of migration.


    Unfortuantely TRA is not the assessing authority for the occupation you are enquiring about therefore I am unable to give you advice regarding the qualification requirements for a nurse.


    You will need to check the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) website for the relevant assessing authority (http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/). If your nominated occupation is not listed on the SOL or CSOL, you should contact DIBP to discuss your options regarding a skills assessment.


    All replies to this email must be forwarded to traenquiries@industry.gov.au


    We trust that this information is of assistance.



    Trades Recognition Australia

    Skills Engagement

    Department of Industry

    Phone 1300 360 992 | Fax 61 2 6290 8780



    Im just dead confused by it all!

  4. Hi Claire I haven't I emailed them but haven't heard anything and I emailed AQF with details of the uk diploma and length of time etc and about ahpra assessing against it but have heard nothing. If others keep emailing hopefully something will change!

    I've emailed the TRA and they haven't got back to me yet but AQF did (if you look back a little bit on this thread you will see what their reply was). I'm hoping that it will change too. I'm sending a long winded email to the mp in Canberra tomorrow with all the little loop holes I have found that might just help with getting things changed so I'll let you know what response I get.

  5. I contacted my agent yesterday to see if they were aware of the situation because they encourage nurses with diplomas to apply for migration. (of course we know there is no problem at anmac but why would nurses go to Oz if they can't then work!) My agent has emailed her contact at Anmac for info in the situation. Will let you know the response.

    Thanks Kelly I'm just really worried because I am about to apply for my residency so I'd be interested to know what info ur agent can get

  6. You go girl!!! The more negative publicity and people complaining the better....once I get my, undoubtedly negative reply I will be taking action too. AHPRA will argue that they did state (albeit cart before the horse and all that) that any applications received after the 8th Oct would be assessed under the new guidelines albeit they weren't implemented until Feb. Irrespective it's the whole ANMAC v AHPRA and allowing people to spend $$$$ on skills assessments and the visa process.....all for nothing. Major scam and seriously unethical!! grrrrrrr

    My application was received on the 21st Oct....wonder if I'll hear soon.....yet there are posts of people being turned down who applied in Jan.....no order or equity!!??

    Haha thanks! I know it's all really confusing! It sounds like ahpra have gone ahead and changed the assessment process without informing anyone because no one else seems to be aware of it! I know what u mean about the announcement they made about applications after the 8th were going to be reviewed under the new assessment process but no one was aware of this before hand. If that was the case they should've informed everyone well in advance! Plus it wasn't finalised until February so any applications before that date should be assessed under the old rules! I sent mine off on September and was totally unaware of any changes!

  7. Well I emailed the AQF about the framework and this was the reply





    Dear Claire


    This Office is a policy office and does not establish the equivalence of overseas qualifications with AQF qualifications or deal with professional (nursing) accreditation matters .

    That is undertaken by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) at: http://www.anmac.org.au/about-anmac

    ANMAC is the appropriate body to contact with regard to your query.

    Kind regards

    Victor Korobacz





    Dont anmac assess a diploma as an equivalent to an Australian degree??? And didn't someone have a different reply saying it was TRA that dealt with it? I'm so confused!!

  8. I have sent them all kinds of information in regards to my course content. they had proof that I had done over 600 hours on placement, proof that I was competent in medication management, they had a transcript and a letter from my uni confirming everything they requested and I still got knocked back.


    Just letting you all know that I have been in touch with the health minister for south Australia and they have said they cant help me with it because AHPRA are an independent body. So I got in touch with the Federal MP's office in Canberra (Peter Dutton) and spoke to a woman there about my situation. At first she said that there was nothing they could do to change the assessment process but when I explained that AHPRA received my form in October and that the new assessment process was not introduced until February she immediately changed her tune and told me to write an email explaining my situation and she would get someone to look into it for me. I've contacted the local MP in my area and they have said to send the email to them as well and they will look into it for me too. Oh and I've sent an email to Adelaide's local TV channel (Adelaide tonight channel 7) explaining how we're all being treated so badly by AHPRA!! I don't know if any of this is going to help the situation were all in at the minute but I feel like I need to do something so I know that I have tried. Hopefully the people who handed their forms in before the new assessment process was introduced will have this reviewed.....I doubt it but I'm going to try anyway!


    I suggest that if you are in a similar situation to me that you contact the Federal MP, if they receive a few emails they may feel like they have to investigate it further. The federal MP's email address is minister.dutton@health.gov.au his name is Peter Dutton.


    I'll keep you all posted!

  9. hi I emailed aqf and as I wanted to know where my diploma and 4 post grad courses were placed and this was their response


    Dear Danielle


    This Office does not establish the equivalence of overseas qualifications with AQF qualifications. That is done by Trades Recognition Australia . You will need to forward your query to that Office which contact details are at: http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx


    Still no further forward.


    Hi Danielle


    I was just wondering if you have found anything on nursing frameworks/guidelines that come from the TRA? I can't find anything. I'm still waiting for a reply to my email to the tea and AQF.



  10. Hi


    I've also emailed both the AQF and the TRA. Hopefully we'll get a response from them soon. I've asked where they would place a uk diploma in their framework as ahpra are no longer recognising it and when you ask them about it they don't seem to know an answer for it. I'm also going to contact my local MP tomorrow and the health minister for south australia. I've even been advised to contact adelaide tonight(channel 7) as they would love a story like this.....especially as they have only just had a new election!! I'm not sure I've got the guts to go that far though.

  11. Hi Everyone,

    AHPRA received my application on the 21st October and I've yet to hear back re registration. I am University Diploma qualified Registered Nurse with 14 years experience (Mental Health) and I am currently living in Melbourne since March on a PR State Sponsored 190 Visa, due to my job (oh the irony). Only for the fact my hubby got a great job and is supporting the family we'd be home.

    I applied to the Melbourne office but my application is currently in Sydney being 'finalised', I was told a month ago it would be at least another 2 months, they have all relevant/requested paperwork.......watch this space!



    Hi kim


    the best thing you can do is keep ringing Everyday and demand to speak to your registration officer in Sydney. I was constantly on the phone to them trying to push for results, I obviously didn't want my application to be refused but at least I know now. It's a shame because they don't even take your experience into consideration and you have 14 years!! Just keep ringing tell them you need to know because you will have to book a flight back home because you can't afford to be waiting round any longer.

  12. I know lass81 I can't believe it either. I'm thinking in writing a complaint letter but I know it falls on deaf ears when it comes to ahpra....they seriously don't seem to care! I think they have tried covering their backs by sending an email which states any form received after the 7th October will be assessed under the new guidelines.....they received mine on the 8th! The annoying thing is that it took me nearly a month to gather all my evidence for my application so I had been doing that form through the whole of September then add on the time it takes for a letter to get from the uk to oz!


    Thats exactly my thoughts! All newly qualified nurses struggle to get jobs due to lack of experience! I think this is going to backfire very soon and they're gonna have to change the assessment guidelines back to the old one. Although that's not helping all us nurses now who are stuck in the middle of these changes.

  13. I've just looked back through my emails and on the 28th February they asked for further information on criterias 2, 3, and 8.They didn't ask me for any info for criteria 4 and they have refused me! I tried talking to them yesterday but they don't care and I don't think they have a c about any of it. They invited to make an appeal (a submission they call it) and when I spoke to them they basically said that I can't do that!! Doesn't make sense.

    I hope this answers your question joe

  14. When they had my form for a whole 9 months I was told at Christmas time by my registration officer that once I had received my reference from my manager then I had all the relevant documents for my form to be completed. Not once from then until now did they ask for any qualifications that matched degree level. When I rang she basically told me that I have to do the bridging course if I didn't have any other qualifications. I asked what was it that they were looking for once again (typical for ahpra!!) she couldn't answer my question.

    I've found one in Adelaide but I'm unsure of the cost of it yet. I'm looking into doing it online from a uk uni....knowing my luck though ahpra won't accept it!! Ha

    its terrible that you have to waste all that money knowing quite well you're gonna be refused... It's like some kind of money making scam!!

  15. Well I have rang and I basically have no chance of appealing unless I do the bridging course and go through the whole assessment process with ahpra once I've completed the course. For anyone who wanted to do the bridging course in Australia, you still need to apply through ahpra for them to refuse you because you need a letter from ahpra before any university will accept you to do the course!

    They are not taking any experience into consideration-they said it has to be additional qualifications.

    Thanks alant have just sent an email to that link to enquire about the online course. I'm hoping I can get this sorted soon.

  16. I think this is the news we've been expecting and we'd much rather people told us so we can have an idea! So sorry for you, it's absolutely devestating the effect this is having on everyone. Have you done any post grad courses? Re check the bridging course as I too have heard it's 10 weeks & about $10,000. I haven't applied to aphra yet as I was waiting to see what results everyone was getting. Don't see if there is any point wasting my money now! In desperation I looked at registering as a enrolled nurse but it states that overseas registered nurses can't apply. So what can we do?!?!?! Just heartbreaking to think all those years of training & working not counting for anything! Let us know how you get on with the bridging course. I am going to adelaide so I might be joining u on it!!! Nat x


    Hiya nat


    it's terrible isn't it? I can't believe it...especially the fact that they've had my application for 9 months and I've practically stalked them every week to get info off them and not once did they tell me they were not accepting diplomas! If that bridging course is only 10 weeks I could've had that done by now. I haven't really done any courses cos in my last job I got tied up being the lead nurse in productive ward so I didn't bother. I'll definitely have to look more into the bridging course I must have looked at the wrong one. I'm just about to ring them so fingers crossed!

  17. That's dreadful news Claire, don't think you're bursting anyone's bubble, it's what we've suspected for some time. I thought the bridging programme was a 3 month course? Are you sure you're looking at the right one? It is run by a few Aussie universities, and is called the IRON bridging programme?

    Also take a look at twitter, as there is someone on there bringing legal action against AHPRA because of these changes.

    Best wishes,




    i might be looking at the wrong one cos I thought the cost sounded a bit steep, 'll have a look again today. I've started following that actions ahpra but I can't make out whether it's a scam or not. I just hope when I ring them today I've got son sort of chance of getting it...but I doubt it very much!

  18. I've had exactly the same problem....every time I have spoken to AHPRA no one seems to have a clue about anything! All's they would say is "its being assessed and we cant give a timeframe for completion". I Don't understand how they can say a 3 year diploma is only an equivalent of an enrolled nurse when the course for that over here is 18 months.


    I don't understand how ANMAC can assess you and accept your diploma for PR but then you cant use that qualification to get a job when your over here??? I had a job to start in November last year as well, I got the job before I moved to oz and now they're moving the goal posts!!


    flipflop00 I have looked at the link and it does seem like its a spam doesn't it? They're giving away any info and just seem eager for people to join them.

  19. Hi


    im absolutely gutted myself! I left home in October and came out to Adelaide as I thought my diploma would be enough. I knew people with diplomas over here who are working and didn't think it would be a problem.


    I'm hoping the point you made about ANMAC will help me and also the fact that I had sent my form off before the new assessment process was finalised and released. they received my form on the 8th October 2013 then about a month later received an email to tell me that any forms received after the 7th October would be assessed under the process....I think that's an absolute joke!! they were ok taking my money off me and I have been on the phone to them at least twice a week over the last 6-7 months and not once did anyone suggest that a diploma would not be recognised.


    I'm not too sure about the bridging programme to be honest, I literally just tried to look up how much it costs. Everything is still up in the air until I can speak to AHPRA tomorrow. My letter stated that when I appeal I need to provide further evidence, but I don't know what type of stuff they will ask for. Surely they should take your experience into consideration????


    I totally agree that there would be uproar in the UK if this happened over there! I have been looking on different websites today and came across a blog which said that the NMC no longer accept Australian nurses because their diploma course is only 18 months..............it was suggested that this could be some sort of retaliation???????


    I will have a little look at your link now.............just lets hope its not a scam and something gets sorted!!!

  20. Hi



    I've recently joined this forum and I'm sorry if I burst anyone's bubble but I have just been told on Friday that ahpra are refusing my application for registration! They received my form on the 8th October 2013 and they have had me waiting 9 months to now tell me that my diploma is not recognised as it is not the equivalent to an ausralian bachelor degree. The most frustrating part is that I sent my form last year and there was no indication on any website to say that they would no longer be accepting English nursing diplomas. I'm also annoyed as the new assessment process for internationally qualified nurses was not introduced until February this year!! I wouldn't have bothered wasting all my time and money waiting for this reply!! I have been qualified for nearly 4 years and in that time i worked in a high secure hosptial in Liverpool (none of this seem to have been taken into consideration!). They have offered me the opportunity to do a bridging course. I am currently in Adelaide and I have looked at the fees in flinders universty and it says that it will cost me $23,000!! It's a full time course for twelve months which means I wouldn't be able to work to fund this. They have also said I can make a submission (which I assume it means it can appeal) but I'm unsure of what information I could give them for them to reconsider. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on this please?? Or is there anyone who has beenin the same situation as me?? I don't think I will get my registration but I feel like I need to try.



    Thanks in advance




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