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Posts posted by SineadMc

  1. Hi to all teachers aiming to move out Oz.

    I've returning from a years teacher exchange to an independent all through school in south NSW in December 2013- this was our families trial move to validate our visa.

    I taught year 7-10 sci and year 7 maths plus senior bio. I generally teach sci and ict to years 5-8in a middle school in Staffordshire but didn't find it too bad.

    I did find some aspects of teaching in Oz really frustrating, assessment procedures that don't really assess understanding of concepts, the apathy of some yr9-10 students as they have no school certificate exam and when they have decided they are not taking science at hsc level then they can down tools somewhat.

    We did miss the countryside of the UK terribly and we now feel torn between the two places...... very odd feeling.

    But in terms of pressure/stress from the system is was a case of doing your best in lower school and as long as parents/leaders were happy then that's ok. It was regional rural school.

    They offered me a job but I had to decline as we have house etc in UK.

    Now sold up after hating the political/Ofsted/gestapo rubbish back here.

    So now looking to possibly moving to oz in 2015 if I secure a job.

    Hopefully the years experience will serve me well.

    If anyone wants to trial it out then I would defo say do an exchange, you gain a lot but lose nothing.

    My wife did a lot of casual teaching also- a good brit teacher goes down well due to our general work ethic and good planning etc.

    I think I was the only teacher who marked books in the whole school...... not quite like we have to do back in the UK but still the students appreciated it in the year 7-8 especially and they earned treats with stamps etc.... Behaviour is not great but also not terrible it seems to be the case of if they can't be arsed then they will flunk out. Well that was my experience.

    Our best friends have moved to Sydney both as teachers and are in a TOP boys schools (mega fees etc) but say it is no good at all, lots of political infighting , behaviour is poor and not a great place to work. So don't judge a book by its cover.

    Anyway hope it all goes well for you all but be aware of the pit falls etc.

    Who knows we may end up in same area somewhere some fellow brit teachers...

    I've already registered with smart teachers and had interview with them but as I would prefer middle school teaching then it may be more tricky to get work. I'm also fully registered with Vic institute of teachers and NSW. The paperwork is a nightmare but you just gotta get loads of cert copies of transcripts and passports etc.






    We are in Staffordshire too at the moment :D I just joined the forum today - how do you get involved with the exchange scheme? Thanks

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