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Posts posted by AnthonyCronin123

  1. How did it work out for you in the end?


    I read here

    that someone got his entitlement paid out after becoming a resident.


    "Happened to me in 2010. FEG will not pay out to a non resident but applied for a review once I became a resident in 2011. Took 2 years before I got paid. It is what it is!!!"


    I had a meeting with an employment lawyer last night and she was adamant i should be entitled to it, but there is a graying over between immigration and employment law.



  2. Hello,


    The company that was sponsoring my partner and I have gone into Liquidation leaving me 90 days to get someone else to sponsor my visa.


    Due to this liquidation i've to apply for a Fair Entitlement Guarantee to get unpaid leave etc..


    One of friends said that i might still be entitled to get money towards a flight home due to breaking of the visa even though i obviously will still be looking for work.


    Anyone had an experience like this? Do you know if i am entitled to claim for flights home for myself and my partner?


    Thanks in advance for any responses

  3. No i don't believe i'm on a Bridging Visa, i rang immi before i went overseas and they said there was no need to get one. The 186 application says pending online.


    I rang both immi and an agent and they both basically said no.


    Immi said - remove the application as the company is gone.

    Agent Said - its pot luck as immi might look at it today and approve it and not look at the company being valid.


    But, i thought i'd keep asking especially in case someone has had this happen to them and could offer insight.

  4. Hello,


    I arrived from overseas yesterday to find the locks changed and a liquidating company in the office. The company went into liquidation 2 days ago.


    My partner and I have a 457 with 1 year left and understand i have 90 days to try and get another company to continue this sponsorship.


    However, we are in the middle of PR sponsorship through the 186 stream.


    The company nomination was approved and we've completed medicals and submitted my application last March. The company has paid for it all.


    Is there anything that can be done to still alllow this PR Visa be processed? Would a migration Lawyer help?


    Has anyone been in this situation? What was your experience? Did you manage to get it resolved?


    Obviously i'm panicking a bit ATM and any urgent help would be greatly appreciated.



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