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Posts posted by dingdong

  1. Hi all, I’ve had a quick skim through here and elsewhere online but can’t seem to find clarification so apologies is this has been asked before. 

    I have booked a shipment with Seven Seas which will depart in around 3.5 weeks time. I know there is currently a 4 week backlog on HMRC processing ToR forms so I am keen to get these wheels in motion ASAP. 

    I’m struggling with the inventory list. We will only be sending back a tool bag with some some handtools and some of my clothing. How specific does the list need to be? 

    I’ve read that people just using the shipping company packing list but we are packing our own boxes and Seven Seas haven’t asked us for specific info as to what is in them. 

    In terms of clothing, does anyone know what is acceptable for the list? Is “Ladies clothing - 20 items all worn and purchased over six months ago” enough or does it need to be more specific and list each individual item, such as “Ladies winter coat, bought in 2017 for A$150”? 

    The issue is I haven’t decided exactly what items of clothing I’like be packing my my suitcase and what I will be shipping. I don’t want to delay the process but also don’t want to risk it getting knocked back after being in a queue for four weeks. 

    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance. 

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