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Posts posted by SamPlumBum

  1. We're at 8 months 22 days.. Our CO is not back until 2 June, so by that time it will be 9 months. My husband is about to lose it.. so sick of waiting. We haven't dared book flights like everyone seems to have on this forum.. It's too unpredictable waiting time!!


    I really hope they haven't capped them for this financial year. I don't think I can wait until July to see him!


    well at least its another other 6 weeks I don't have to shave my legs! :)

  2. Hi All,


    New to the whole forum thing. I would love some advise.


    Waiting for my partners Visa subclass 300, Is anyone in the same boat / time scale as me?


    Lodged 16 September 2013, received confirmation of receipt 11 November 2013. Visa placed on hold end of November 2013 to February 2014 due to relationship breakdown - long distance will do that to you! Visa back up and running 21 February 2014 along with proof of constant contact and written statements and to why the relationship broke down and how we repaired it. Received confirmation from CO - visa will proceed and be processed within the 8- 9 month period. Requested passport along with a few questions on my partners criminal record and education details 6 March 2014, questioned water damage to the passport 8 April 2014 and posted everything back. Medicals checked 9 April 2014. CO advised our visa agent she pass now passed this on to senior case officer 14 April 2014 for final processing.


    Does anyone know how long we are looking at once it has gone to the senior case officer?


    Gahhhh this is torture!



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