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Everything posted by steveinmunich

  1. Hey Shelley, you said your doing your apllication by yourself without an agent? I have/am aswell, would you mind keep contact maybe via private mail to discuss our applications as we are at a similar stage and reckon we could help each other? Ive just got mine cert this morning.. ILL send you a pic private mail if you like, its not a certIII carpentry like someone above suggested though.
  2. Hey Shelley was the assessor also called Eric? I done mine in manchester last wendesday and got pass back on tuesday passed there. they havnt emailed me yet, i logged ont my vetassess acount, via continue apllication and it said under the second stage, assessment successful. yours will have the same by now for sure. they only email you to let you know once the certiciate is ready to send to you:)
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