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Posts posted by Welshsaznlevi

  1. I've had an email!!!! All they want is police clearance Checks, no problems there ???

    I am aware of the Aus law and have something in place which I don not wish to post publicly, I'm not a risk taker but I also plan on staying in Aus for good ???

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  2. Sorry  I wasn't very clear, I have no intentions of getting back together with the father, he will be supporting me to raise our child. The friends house we are moving to is enormous and we will have our own living space, bedroom each and living area and bathroom. So I would be able to get him back in to our normal routine easily.

    At the moment my son is on a z bed in my parents room and I'm sleeping in the sofa, in a very cramped house.

    My son has only ever skyped his father, he has only recently decided to step up. I have always planned to return when the time was right, like previously stated, I did not know the requirements to get a RRV, I assumed it was just a case of applying. Huge error on my behalf I know!

  3. That's the bit I'm struggling with, I don't know how to evidence it. I did state that as I had not been in my job for a year that I would have only been entitled to 6 weeks maternity and with no support from the father it wouldn't have been manageable. I have also given them the details of my son's father if they wanted to verify that he is supporting us and the details of friends who I'm moving in with until were on our feet. 

    They have not asked for anything, there has been no communication at All, I don't understand, after 4.5 months is have thought I'd have been asked for something by now. 

    I've applied for jobs but I've not been successful so far as I can't give them a date I could start.

    I'm currently living at my parents, sleeping on the sofa (younger siblings at home) my landlord sold the house we was living in last month, pointless starting a tenancy until I know the outcome but this is why I'm so desperate to know, it's far from ideal and my son's routine has gone to pot

    Thank you I really appreciate your advice

  4. Thanks for your replies, I feel my reasons are compelling. I fell pregnant, unplanned. My partner at the time wasn't ready to be a father and asked me to terminate, I booked a one way ticket home as I have no family there. Stupidly did not look into the requirements to get a rrv just assumed it would be granted as a PR. My plan was never to stay here, I just needed the support from my family. Since then my son's father has been in touch and desperately wants to be in his life, we have got him citizenship by decent and I got his Aus passport in December. 

    I have uploaded a letter stating this but I guess it can't be classed as evidence as it's only my word although I have also uploaded certified copies of his citizenship and passport. 

    Thank you 

  5. Hi, out of curiosity have you received yours yet? I applied 25/11 and still nothing! I have been away 6.5 years so I'm in a similar situation. I get no replies from emails and if I'm called in told to be patient 

  6. Thank you, you are right, mine isn't straight forward. I left in August 2011 and have not been back since. My son is a citizen by decent and now has an Aus passport but I understand his citizenship does not influence their decision. I have uploaded all I have, my son's docs, a letter explaining why I left and have been gone so long but I do have a feeling they're looking for more, I have applied for 8 jobs in this last week hoping an offer would help my application. I have not requested a character check, do you think it would help? Thanks for your advise ?

  7. Does anyone have much knowledge on the cap and que process? I submitted an application for a resident return visa subclass 155 157 on 25/11/17. I've called and have been told it's in process, I was told this 2 5 months ago and still nothing. I've recently seen a document about capping and queing once the magic number has been reached for that program year,  I have seen that there is a special eligibility cap for former residents, but from what I can tell that's for the subclass 151. Does anyone have more info please? I'm going mad searching and searching and not finding much. I'm currently living in my parents sofa with my 6 year old as my landlord sold our house and I don't think it's worth starting a tenancy yet. 

    Thanks in advance ?

  8. Hi, 

    My son and I are living in the UK but moving to Aus early next year. My son is a citizen by descent. Can he travel to Aus on a UK passport if I carry his citizenship docs with me or does he have to get an Aus passport? Getting to London would be a bit of a mission now with Xmas, and can take up to 7 weeks.


  9. Thank you for your info. I have done some research into this. My son was born in the UK, I believe it would give us a higher chance of returning through courts if it ever came to that. We do  plan on staying permanently but like you say, things can change. 

  10. Please help! I am currently living in the UK. I was granted BS801 PR in May 2010, my resident return expired may 2015. I plan on applying for a 155, I know this will require some leg work as I have not lived there 2 out of the last 5 years. My son is a citizen and I have a job lined up so I'm hoping that will be enough but my main problem now is to why VEVO is saying I have no visa?! Is this because the resident return has expired or was my residency cancelled? Thanks in advance. Sarah 

  11.  Thanks for you replies. I thought as much to be honest, yes we are in touch now and hoping since my son is a citizen that would be enough to be granted the visa. Do I just apply for the 155 and then they will come back to me to ask for the ties do you know?

  12. I am currently living in the UK. I moved to Australia in 2007, gained permanent residency and returned home in 2011 due to falling pregnant and the father not wanting to be...a father! In 2014  I got my son citizenship but backed out if moving back last minute. My resident return visa expired in 2015. I have decided now is the time to move back. I can apply for a subclass 155 as a former resident but this can take 6-9 months! Is there a quicker way? Or can I apply for citizenship from the UK? Any suggestions will be gratefully received  ?

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