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Posts posted by maulajatt

  1. Hi Twister, Do we have to sit in an interview as well while applying for passport?


    This guarantor thing is really needless at this stage, applicant already provided this information few months ago while applying for Citizen, Redundant step....

    I got my passport as well in less than 2 weeks...


    I had my ceremony 8-July, applied for passport on 9th, and got it yesterday (standard/non-priority processing).


    Just like citizenship, the passport application also needs a guarantor to sign your application; he/she has to be an existing citizen who knows you for at least a year, and is either registered on the electoral roll or has an Australian passport.

  2. Congratulations !!! Your posts are kind of testing of Immi system as well. Like What will happen to online system status after each step. This is good information for all anxious souls who are always worried about online statuses and what will happen next.


    I had my ceremony on Tue, online console now shows "application completed" instead of "Applicant approved".


    My PR has also dropped off VEVO. Now I'm waiting for the passport to be ready...I applied on Wed, it takes about 2 weeks.

  3. It seems that Melbourne CBD have a huge waiting time. Dont know why they cant arrange small and more frequent ceremonies. It would be best if they can arrange same day evening ceremonies in the DIBP office itself, this will save lot of money and effort for arranging ceremonies, and reduce the headache for applicants as well.


    Anyone have a ceremony tomorrow in Melb CBD?
  4. Congrats, thats superfast, Whats your council name?




    I did my test on 10/06/2014, and today I received the invitation letter for the ceremony which will be held on 24/07/2014.

  5. Anuj25, your mates also applied around Feb 2014?


    It seems to me they have additional ceremony organized to fast track . I was expecting a ceremony at my local council in July or September but am invited to the CBD council . they have another two ceremony next week which two of my mates are attending.
  6. Thanks jmartin8010,


    I can see my application status changed to approved, but still waiting for the official letter.


    Hi maulajatt,


    No, DIBP does not send any emails regarding citizenship approval or ceremony dates. They only send out official letters as far as I know.


    The only time you receive an email in regards to your citizenship application is when they schedule you for a test (interview) and also there is an automatic acknowledgement email sent out when the application is received by the department.


    Hope that helps.

  7. After attending Citizenship ceremony, technically you will be Australian Citizen, So, on leaving Australia on other passport, I can think of one main point to keep in mind, Does your current country supports dual citizenship? If yes then you are good, if No then you need to make sure if you can still use your passport from home country in that case, The regulations of home country might stop you from doing that.

  8. Hello,



    I am about to apply for citizenship soon. I am planning to apply online. Can I get "One passport-sized photograph and Identity declaration signed by an Australian citizen with the appropriate authority" completed before the actual day i become eligible to apply for Citizenship? or I have to Wait till I am eligible, then get this documents signed?

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