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Posts posted by Wulworra

  1. Hello everyone,

    wasnt sure whether to post this in finance but happy to move if it's not appropriate here.

    my daughter studies part time at college for a diploma and is looking for work too.  Because it's part time study she doesn't appear to qualify for any financial assistance - the centrelink youth allowance is for full time study Or work seekers, and she doesn't get a student opal card or prescription concessions.  Has anyone else had this experience with college students and does anyone know if there is any assistance she can claim whether through centrelink or any other organisation?  I've scoured the internet but not getting much back.



  2. Haha, thank you LKC, RavenBlue, BobHatton and Bulya - it's good to hear from you all with views and advice.  The one day at a time advice is good as is the comfort in giving it 2 (or 3) years - don't act on knee jerk reactions and realise I will go through ups and downs of doubts.  I'm doing this on my own and sometimes dealing with all the business side of things gets me down and the comfort of 'home' is appealing but I'll throw myself out there - join groups and I'm sure look back in a years time with no regrets! 

  3. Thank you again, I'll get on to Medicare first then wait a bit for the drivers licence - it's more important to get a permanent address for that one.  I'll find it easier once I get one other piece of Id so will pursue Medicare as the next option.  


    As as an aside RavenBlue, I notice you're in early days over here, how are you finding it?  

  4. Haha, thank you both for your replies.  The easy bit is I have an Aussie passport the tricky bit is don't have a permanent address as in a holiday let at the moment so don't have any Id with an address on.  It's that vicious circle, can't get rental without a job, can't get Medicare (or any form of permanent Id) without an address, can't register with job agencies without the id.  Would you suggest Medicare first or will they also need something with an address on.  I can give friends addresses if it's just a case of somewhere to mail to but I can't prove where I live.  

  5. Hello all,

    just arrived (1 week in!) and trying to get as much sorted before I start work.  Next weeks priorities are Medicare and a driving licence.  How easy is it to transfer my uk licence?  I've looked up the rms website and it appears I rock up with id and don't need to take a test etc - is that correct?  I'll be going to the wynyard office but don't have access to a printer so hoping to do any form filling on the spot without having to do a repeat visit.  Any experiences?


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