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Posts posted by Lass81

  1. When they had my form for a whole 9 months I was told at Christmas time by my registration officer that once I had received my reference from my manager then I had all the relevant documents for my form to be completed. Not once from then until now did they ask for any qualifications that matched degree level. When I rang she basically told me that I have to do the bridging course if I didn't have any other qualifications. I asked what was it that they were looking for once again (typical for ahpra!!) she couldn't answer my question.

    I've found one in Adelaide but I'm unsure of the cost of it yet. I'm looking into doing it online from a uk uni....knowing my luck though ahpra won't accept it!! Ha

    its terrible that you have to waste all that money knowing quite well you're gonna be refused... It's like some kind of money making scam!!



    Clairemolly, I think it's disgraceful how you've been treated, I would be sending in a formal letter of complaint! I think when you received any conformation that they (AHPRA)had received your application 9months ago then your application should be based on the rules then.


    Ive been here 5 years and with a DipHE, so I'm glad I got in, but to only accept Degree level nurses then Australia is making a mistake. Yes there are Graduate nurses without jobs but that's because employers want experienced nurses. I remember qualifying in the UK 10 years ago and we all struggled to get jobs too. I'm in WA and there is a job freeze here at the minute because of Fiona Stanley opening next year.

    They are apparently needing thousands of extra nurses to fully staff the new hospital, which I'm led to believe is coming from (partly) a recruitment drive from the UK. AHPRA is a pawn in a government led change of policy.

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