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Posts posted by Nikkidylan

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies. He has just informed me this morning that he is going to sell the car and walk away from the house and I can do what I want with it. Probably too late for him to get support but just highlights that I need to figure out my legal and financial items.


    What makes it extremely difficult is that the house is half gutted, by my partner, as he was going to do the renovations. It is not in sell-able condition whatsoever and I would need to put in tens of thousands of dollars to even get it up to sell-able condition.

  2. Thank you - I do suspect that there is an element of depression by how he talks about it. I have asked him to get counselling or talk to a friend but he doesn't think it will help. I have asked him to see a doctor but he won't do it. A common friend has sent him a message to let him know that he can talk to him about it, but he hasn't responded. And in the interim, he is ignoring me or yelling at me to F off and leave him alone, has threatened to walk away or burn down the house. So I'm really not sure what to do. He still gets into bed every night and in his sleep cuddles up around me but in the morning as soon as he is awake turns over and ignores me. I can't help him if he doesn't want the help and I really need to figure out what I need to do

  3. Thank you very much for the information. The house and mortgage are in both our names, that's why I want to get some legal advice. The idea of relationship counselling is a good one to make it as easy of a break up as possible. I will definitely try but he hasn't been keen to do it when we started having problems, so not sure if he will Thanks again for taking the time to reply

  4. Hello everyone, just looking at getting some advice and support around a relationship breakdown. We've been together just over 7 years and in Australia for 5. We bought a house together a couple of years ago with the intention of renovating it - partner's a carpenter. Things haven't exactly gone to plan and we have a house that is half gutted and in a bit of credit card debt. My partner is having a huge meltdown over this and threatening to walk away. He is also getting pretty verbally abusive. The relationship is pretty much over and I now need to do things to ensure that financially and emotionally I come out as well as I can. My questions are


    1. What protection do I have if he just walks away from the mortgage.

    2. The car that I drive is under his name but I am listed on the insurance. Can he use that to prevent me from driving it to work etc

    3. We have a couple of dogs. Where do I legally stand in taking one while he keeps the other


    I have scheduled appointments with a lawyer and have already started seeing a counsellor as I'm definitely going to need both, just thought that I'd throw questions out there. We have both recently become citizens so that's not an issue and we don't have kids Thank God! but things are definitely going to get harder in the next bit


    Thank you in advance, Nikki

  5. Thanks NikkiDylan. I have contacted all involved and there appears no way round this. The locum agencies have been really good but it appears all employers want full registration and cant be faffed with the paperwork involved. Im that close to heading back to the UK as this is just ridiculous. Im assuming you are an OT?? If so, did you take up a non clinical role and if so, in what area? Thanks for the feedback BTW.


    It is ridiculous - something they haven't thought through at all. And Aussies as you'll find out are sticklers for rules over common sense sometimes! I am an OT- I was lucky to have started working last year before the July 1st start of national registration so I was able to get provisional registration while doing my practice audit. I wish you the best of luck and really hope it works out for you. The practice audit was a bit of paperwork but like I said before did not affect my day to day job. It was a bit weird to do it to be honest as I've been an OT for 8 years and it felt like going back to being a student for a while. If I come across anything that may be helpful (I'm in Melbourne) I'll pass that along.

  6. That is a rather silly situation. Have you considered an agency that would specifically recruit in the UK- they would know of others in the same position and how they solved their issue






    I also went to the OT council website and under their FAQs




    it states

    Am I able to accept a non-clinical role to do my practice audit?


    Yes, you are able to do this.


    Would a way around it being looking at a non-clinical role for the practice audit - they would not be as stringent on the registration aspect, get the audit done and then look at clinical positions? A bit of a roundabout way of doing it, but may work


    If all else fails, have you contacted the OT Board under AHPRA directly with your situation and see what response you get?


    Please contact the OTBA in the first instance for all questions and concerns related to registration to practice as an occupational therapist in Australia.

    Occupational Therapy Board of Australia

    GPO Box 9958, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

    Telephone: +61 3 8708 9001

    Website: http://www.occupationaltherapyboard.gov.au

    Good luck- you will get there, it must be really frustrating being under this catch-22.

  7. More information from the AHPRA website which gives the new link to OT council who must have processed your desktop audit for immigration


    [h=2]Overseas qualified practitioners[/h]Internationally-qualified occupational therapists wanting to practise in Australia are currently required to undertake an initial assessment in compliance with the requirements specified by the Occupational Therapy Council (OTC). This assessment comprises:



    • Stage 1 - desktop audit
    • Stage 2 - Supervised practice audit


    These initial assessment processes will then qualify internationally-trained practitioners for registration by the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

    Please visit the OTC website for further details on the initial assessment processes.

    In addition, further information is provided at the Board’s website comprising of facts sheets detailing information on:



    • Demonstrating English language skills for overseas qualified practitioners
    • Grandparenting - pathways to practise transitional arrangements for overseas qualified practitioners


  8. [h=1]The following information is on the OT Australia website

    http://www.otaus.com.au/about/requirements-for-overseas-trained-occupational-the You should be able to get conditional AHPRA registration with the requirement that you have to complete a practice audit. It is a lot of paperwork, but doesn't affect your day to day working conditions.



    Requirements for overseas-trained occupational therapists[/h]Occupational therapists who have trained overseas and wish to migrate and work as occupational therapists in Australia, are required to undergo an assessment conducted by the Occupational Therapy Council (OTC) previously known as Council of Occupational Therapy Registration Board (COTRB).

    Click here to view the OTC Information Leaflet

    This assessment process involves an initial desktop audit where you will need to meet a number of criteria before being able to migrate. Once in the country, you will complete a goal-directed practice audit in your initial employment, designed to ensure that your practice skills develop and that you are able to attain standards required in an Australian work context.

    For full details, contact the OTC directly:


    Postal Address:

    PO Box 959

    South Perth WA 6951

    Street Address:

    Suite 7, Level 2, 23 Richardson Street

    South Perth WA 6151

    Telephone: 08 9368 2655

    Fax: 08 9368 2677

    E-Mail: admin@cotrb.com.au

    Website: http://www.cotrb.com.au

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