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Posts posted by saintgirl

  1. This is a very interesting post as I'm going through a similar situation myself. I came in on a 457 visa and had an awful time with my first employer but managed to find another post in regional Victoria and transferred the visa. I managed to get PR with this employer last January and am eligible to apply for citizenship in early January. I should stay on for another year under my RSMS but for various personal and professional reasons feel unable to continue here and have just got a job in the state capital and resigned my post. I am thrilled as it's a fantastic organisation, my partner has more chance of finding, decent, regular work without a massive commute and we can see more of family and friends and have more of a social life. We've been very isolated and this has made life very difficult and hard to settle in and establish a life outside work.However, I've also been concerned about the citizenship and not fulfilling my obligations. Morally, I feel bad about this; a feeling slightly assuaged by the fact that I'm not actually being paid at the correct rate for the visa and the professional concerns I have at work have not been addressed. Obligations work both ways I think. It's hard to know whether to ring DIABP and be honest and put myself in a nightmare situation after all we've been through. I have been in the post for three years and I can't continue I was so demoralised and getting the new job has meant so much. My employers have reluctantly let me go, I had raised concerns with them before but the main problem has been the lack of work opportunities for my partner. Anyway, good luck to all. Anyone got any tips for lodging citizenship apps on line? xx

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