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Posts posted by canadianaussie

  1. Interesting. I thought the advice would be to go home to what I know for a bit - but it seems that people are thinking the opposite, even some hardcore UK fans :)


    Just to throw a spanner in the works, I've also just seen a job opportunity in Melbourne. I've done some searching on realestate.com and it is much more affordable than Sydney, I could actually afford a half decent apartment close to the city. I've enjoyed Melbourne when I've visited, but there is just something special about Hobart. Hobart seems like a good place to relax and heal.


    Will let you know what I end up deciding to do when I know. Thanks for all the advice, its much appreciated.


    Oh and to the poster who mentioned NZ - I love the place. I would happily live there. Just not sure I'm up to a brand new country move at this point in time.

  2. Thats the problem with Sydney, if you're not on a massive wage. Very frustrating. I hope Hobart would have enough 'action' to still be interesting - my UK options are Liverpool, Manchester or Leeds. I have thought about trying Hobart for a year or two, its just the thought of starting off again completely new is a bit daunting. Especially as I do have some war wounds after this relationship breakdown. But maybe a fresh start in a new city is just what I need?

  3. Hi all - long time browser here. I have a dilemma and am looking for impartial advice :)


    Currently in Sydney, have been here for 4 years. My relationship is breaking down and it looks like I'll need to move out. I'm 32 and currently live in the inner west. I have a reasonable job, but not a high income for Sydney. If I move out I'll have to rent and given the cost of living - it will need to be out west. I like Sydney but have come to the conclusion that I cannot afford to live here on my income and have much quality of life and/or live in a half decent area for a single person. I also would like to get my own place (buy) in the next few years and know this will never be possible in Sydney. So what to do.


    I have Aussie citizenship. I am trying to toss up moving either down to Hobart - which I love and feel is a perfect size for me - or back home to northern England. I don't have much family (but some) in England, a few friends, but I know nobody in Tasmania. Work shouldn't be an issue as I am a health professional so should be able to work anywhere. The thought of starting over in Hobart is a bit exhausting at my age, especially not knowing anybody. However, I do feel in the long run it will be a good move for me. Moving back to England would be an 'easier' move, but I just have this nagging feeling that it will get to January and I'll hate the place and my life!


    I've been tossing around what to do for a week. Any suggestions from others who have been in a similar situation?

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