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Posts posted by priyoo

  1. The description on 254499 is a list of things that all nurses should be competent at so use that as your basis. Then add to it your duties as a medical nurse or a surgical nurse. You can't pick both. You can only use 254499 if your occupation is not on the list for reg nurses ie infection control nurse. You can't use this code for WA SS either but I can't comment on other states/territories.




    Description for medical nurse 254418Provides nursing care to patients with conditions, such as infections, metabolic disorders and degenerative conditions, which require medical intervention in a range of health, aged care and community setting.


    Description for surgical nurse 254424

    Provides nursing care to patients with injuries and illness that require surgical intervention.


    If I was you I would think about which type of nursing you have more experience in where you work now. If its medical use code 254418, if its surgical use code 254424. Whichever one you use, add to it the description for 254499.


    Hope this helps.






    Thanks for your prompt reply.


    I'm totally confused what to do.Even my close friends are not able to help me.We doesn't know each other but you really show helping hand.That is outstanding mate.now I've decided to go for surgical nurse 254424.So first i have to mention 254499 and under the description I should mention surgical nurse 254424 if I'm not wrong.I'll mention all the details regarding surgical nurse 254424 and get professional reference in that area right ?


    Do you have any sample lines for surgical nurse 254424.I'm not forcing you.If you have please PM me.I need something as template where my nursing manager agreed to sign for me if it's acceptable by her.

    Please don't send your details.I'm looking for some guidelines which I can go through and get it done by my manager.


    Thanks again for your tremendous support.

  2. I am a medical nurse and my reference was fine. I'm not going to e-mail you my reference because I don't know you and your not a regular user of this site but I will give you some pointers.


    you need to include dates of employment, area of expertise and a list of your duties using the ANZSCO definition which I have pasted below for you.


    Occupation Detail for 254499 REGISTERED NURSES

    Unit Group Tasks:



    assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care for patients according to accepted nursing practice and standards

    working in consultation with other Health Professionals and members of health teams, and coordinating the care of patients

    providing interventions, treatments and therapies such as medications, and monitoring responses to treatment and care plan

    promoting health and assisting in preventing ill health by participating in health education and other health promotion activities

    answering questions and providing information to patients and families about treatment and care

    supervising and coordinating the work of Enrolled Nurses and other health care workers


    Hope this helps.




    I do agree with you. Today I joined this pomsinoz.com forum. I was looking for help regarding my PR process. Then one of my friends suggested me this forum.

    Here I saw your replies where you are solving issues of other fellow members that is the reason why I contacted you.

    I’m from India and I got AHPRA registration recently. I’m struggling hard to find job here in WA.I don’t have work rights and hospitals are not ready to sponsor visa. So I thought to apply for PR.

    Since my departure I spend a lot of money for my studies and accomodation. Again with out getting jobs I don’t have enough money to spend. So I didn’t appoint any agent and doing PR process my own. Can you please guide me for PR ?

    I worked as a registered nurse in Medical Surgical Ward for 3 years. When I checked in ANZSCO code it’s showing code 254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical).So which code should I use ? 254424 or 254499 Registered Nurses nec ?.Please help me.

  3. [h=2]Please help me: ANMAC Professional reference nightmare for me.[/h] I’m in the process for applying ANMAC Skill assessment and I submitted one by my own. But AMNAC contacted me to request a more detailed reference. Now I really don’t know how to send a detailed one. Can anybody able to send some samples so that it’s easy for me to follow. I worked as a registered nurse in Medical Surgical Ward for 3 years. My employer is ready to issue Professional reference again and that will be the last one.

    I didn’t appoint any agent for PR. So there is nobody to help me regarding this. Please help me to resolve this issue. Can you PM me/mail me sample Professional reference letter ? My mail id is priyoonj@ gmail. com


    ​Many thanks in advance



  4. [h=2]Please help me: ANMAC Professional reference nightmare for me.[/h] I’m in the process for applying ANMAC Skill assessment and I submitted one by my own. But AMNAC contacted me to request a more detailed reference. Now I really don’t know how to send a detailed one. Can anybody able to send some samples so that it’s easy for me to follow. I worked as a registered nurse in Medical Surgical Ward for 3 years. My employer is ready to issue Professional reference again and that will be the last one.

    I didn’t appoint any agent for PR. So there is nobody to help me regarding this. Please help me to resolve this issue. Can you PM me/mail me sample Professional reference letter ? My mail id is priyoonj@ gmail. com


    ​Many thanks in advance



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