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Posts posted by Cantabrigian

  1. Sorry for my delay in postimg, I have been a bit side tracked.

    Yes I think both of you are correct, I should check out things with a qualified person. Question is Paul vs Steve 😁 who wins !  I am only joking and thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I am going to contact the job offerer and see if its still there, I am sure it will be but who knows in todays climate.

    Are assessment's conducted over Facetime or similar ? prefer in person but that's probably asking a lot ?

    I sat here today in the cold UK and dreamed of Cairns, even read the Cairns Post online.

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  2. Thanks for all the replies.  I didn't put detail on here to preserve my situation in case I then apply for an RRV and immigration are looking through the forum ( bit paranoid I think) but I take the points of migration agent posts and respect your professional insight.  As for Buckleys sadly my grasp of Australian penal history was lacking so I had to look it up.

    I would apply tomorrow  for an RRV but aged 61 and turned down for and RRV  7 years ago, I cannot even with eternal optimism believe I would get one now. I do have a job offer but I have no real compelling reasons for my absence other than my wife having a mother that we were involved in caring for who passed away 2 years ago.  I would happily talk to an agent if there is a chance but not unless I am missing something, maybe I am ?  tell me and I will book an appointment.

    Grass is greener sums me up for sure, its me, that's why I have always been driven to move forward, however I cannot recommend it.  What's the point sitting there wanting for nothing but still feeling you haven't got what you want.

    My life and where I am will probably allow me to do what I want in terms of travel once my daughter leaves home, maybe I should be satisfied. But I still can't take away that longing to be in Cairns living in Daintree. or top end, I never wanted Australia for financial reasons, not interested in the cities or economic benefits.  I had financial security many years ago. for me it was about lifestyle, daily Ashtanga yoga, driving round the remote outback, maybe even doing voluntary job. I would even invest some money in something wildlife based.

    I suppose I am reading my own words and concluding money corrupted me into staying in the UK. But if you started life in poverty its hard to let go of that neurotic insecurit.

    Thanks for reading this,  I think I may die wondering (when I am a centurion 😁) with an unanswered question.

    Hands held high I should have been braver but none of us are perfect.

    Namaste 🙏

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  3. Hi there, can anyone give insight on my situation. I have now reluctantly accepted I will not move back to Australia, one reason I was turned down for an RRV 7 years ago but probably, more importantly I think I spent too long kidding myself I could realistically return  - ironically after the RRV decision I have been  given a job offer.

    If I’m honest to myself it’s not right to return as financially I am well set up in the uk, 6 years from retirement. I know I could not create my lifestyle in Australia, I understand how to make money here but.i would struggle in Australia. Would be different if I was thirty something. I also have a 10 year old daughter who is thriving here and fingers crossed she will have a good adult  life, not sure I could pull her away from what she has open her. I know Australia has opportunity and wouldn’t talk her out of going when she adult. 

    I spent way too many years imagining the perfect Aussie life but being honest it acted as a distraction from the mundanity of everyday life, I was never going to commit to it, just deceived myself and ultimately punished myself living in the past. I did and do love Australia but my time to get off my backside should have been 20 years ago when it was cheaper than UK, sterling currency was amazing and Australia seemed less ruined by globalisation than the uk.

    There is one thing I could see us doing though once my daughter is independent is try to retire, so my question was do you think I have any options to do so ? I have looked but seems unclear. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. 1 hour ago, Marisawright said:

    Your daughter will further complicate matters as she doesn't hold a visa.  A one-off consultation with Paul Hand (who replied above) would be worth the investment IMO.

    My wife and I are both former visa holders. When I applied and received an RRV in 2014 she was on that application. But you're right I need good advice. 

  5. 2 hours ago, paulhand said:

    Yes, but there are some quirks around where you need to be when you apply based on the time away and whether you travelled on a temporary visa in the interim. 

    An important part of an agent’s role is to provide that informed opinion on eligibility and likely outcome, as well as helping craft the application. 

    I haven't been back on any temporary visas. I would apply from UK. Happily use a migration agent although I've always done all my own applications. I've no problem paying for it, would consider it money well spent if I got the visa, suppose being brutally honest, just don't want a hefty bill and nothing at the end of it.

  6. Thanks so much for all your replies. I am going to weigh it up over the next few days.

    I never thought I would be in this position, I had accepted what fate brought me, took me years but I always yearned for Australia. Also having an 8 year old daughter I would love to give her the opportunity.

    I really appreciate your time  🙏

  7. Hello - I haven't been on the forum for a long time, I had long given up on returning to Australia, spent many months regretting not making the move, eventually began to let go and move on.  I still had the part of me that always wondered what might have been.

    Unexpectedly I have given a job offer in Australia.and now am wondering if anyone could help with the following questions.

    1. I havent't entered Australia since 2011, would I be ineligible to apply ?  I did have an RRV granted for 12 months in 2013 but didn't make it back, I wondered if that may allow me to apply.

    2. I will have the job and my reasons for absence were driven by my wife's mother last 10 year battle with dementia she passed March 2021

    Any advice would be very appreciated. I know its asking a lot.

    I would happily use a migration agent but unless I need to answer the eligibility.

    Thanks for reading 

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