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Posts posted by Pommyaussie

  1. Hi Andy cheers for that - its a private pension from a company I used to work for in the UK it's not much - about $6 k a year but I wasn't sure why I have been told I can receive this annual payment at age 55 when over here in Aus you apparently can't draw it out until 60 Is that right? This is also complicated by the fact I'm now on a small disability pension ( because my other half works the disability pension is minimal) so I presume the disability pension will be reduced by the amount I receive in pension payments - if I can draw on it that is? 

  2. Hi please can someone shed some light on how final salary pensions work in terms of transferring from UK to Aus? I have been sent some pension info regarding a final salary scheme and various options for me to choose from i.e. lump sum or annual amount or mixture of both. Im still not sure which option to choose however one question I have - apparently I can draw an annual amount at age 55 - my question is if I decide on this option - I believe this would have to be transferred to an Australian QROPS to access it? Can I still obtain this annual amount from age 55 as I believe you can't access anything until age 60 in Aus? 

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