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Posts posted by Seizethedance

  1. Anyone know if biology teachers also in demand, or is it mainly the other sciences and maths? I'm planning on training as a teacher in Australia but can only train in biology methods, maybe general science if I up my chemistry (this despite having an MSc and PhD in social science - madness!).We'll be in north-east vic.

  2. Thank you everyone!


    We've been married for 6 years and have two kids. You should go straight to 100 as well then right? It was important because I'm hoping to study and we may depend on the Austudy benefit if my other half cant find work initially while I'm studying - and I would not have been entitled to that on the temporary 309 visa. So good news for us.


    Great news. And good that you got it at the lower end of the estimate.

    What is your visa based on, defacto or marriage? We have been married for Two years and living together in total for 4, and we have a son, so we are hoping to go straight to 100 too.

  3. Just the way to start the week. VISA GRANTED. 9 months 28 days. Case officer: VF. Got the 309 visa, although we qualify for the provisional 100 visa as we have been living together for over 3 years now, they said because date of application was before, we got the 309.


    But who cares, WE GOT IT, only means we have to wait another year and 2 months. Whoop whoop. So happy.


    To all those waiting, good luck and although the wait is long, its worth it in the end. :)


    Congratulations!! Hopefully not long for us now then :)

  4. One more thing - the notes on the application talk about having 2 statements from friends about your relationship but I was only asked for one and later clarified with my CO that this was correct. In our case this was obviously all that was needed (married for years with 2 kids) - my point is that you dont have to have everything done and ready, apply and they will let you know what you need as it may vary for your circumstances.

  5. Hi guys,


    A few quick questions based on my partner and I applying online:


    1) My partner and I are writing personal statements but we are not using the Statutory Declaration form - do we need to have this typed-up statement/document witnessed or can we submit it online without any witness? I cannot find anywhere that tells me that we need it witnessed. NB. All our birth certificates and family's 'Form 888's' have been witnessed and certified.


    2) Submitting the passport-sized photos of the applicant and the sponsor - Is this supposed to be scanned in and submitted online, or do we have to post them?


    3) Is there an option during the online application to provide a signature for those documents requiring one, and how is this done?


    Basically, we want to have everything organised before we start the online application. Can anybody provide a thorough overview of the online application process? i.e. any problems, hints or tips and/or anything you weren't expecting to be in the online application.


    Thank you all so much and forgive my ignorance!



    I cant remember clearly the application process (it was 9 months ago) - I think though that the personal statements about your relationship are part of the application form - as in the application form contains a series of questions about your relationship and you can just answer these online with the rest of your application - this does not need witnessing.


    For signatures I think you can print the form, sign and scan it, though I cant remember doing this we might have.. I dont remember posting anything so I think you can scan the photos.


    Birth certs and the like I dont think we had certified (though cant be sure...) because you scan the original they dont need certifying.


    Dont rely on this though, I really cant remember. I did find it very straightforward though. Dont worry about having everything done before starting the application. I think you initially submit the form and pay and then they tell you what you need to do very specifically so it should all become clear. Again cant remember the specifics... sorry that's a bit of a rubbish response!

  6. Has anyone been granted their visa who applied after the change to 10-14 months yet? I applied on 28th july, I think about a week after it went up. I'm wondering whether they are going to continue granting at the current time-frame which is around 9 months or, as the post further up indicates, no one will get it sooner than 10 months if that's what they were told. I suspect the latter...

  7. Any August folks here? Found this on another forum regarding the London Embassy. Was hoping for a sneaky 9 month timeframe but doesn't seem to be the case.


    "I just called the London office and it is just a change of terminology.


    I also pushed the guy around what happens in terms of the month between 9-10 (when the processing times change from 8-9 to 10-14 months) and he basically said that the visas processing staff will be looking at other visa classes during that time and the earliest anyone who applied on the 21st of July or after can expect their visa is at 10 months. Which is a bit gutting but hopefully he's just towing the corporate line and some will get lucky.


    Fingers crossed for everyone."


    Oh no! I applied on july 28th and was really hoping I'd hear in the next couple of weeks. Mind you, another month doesn't actually make any difference but still..

  8. Cheers. Yes, our paperwork was very thorough and I think our evidence was strong - and also they don't need much for the PMV anyway.


    It'll be hard to wait a year with no news and no update, but at least it's been suggested now that there's probably nothing wrong. I mean, I have a wedding to organise, and how am I suppose to do that with no idea when things are going to happen?


    From reading this forum, it seems the 10 - 14 months is quite accurate, although the letter I received did say 9-12 months - can anyone shed light on this?


    Your letter said 9-12 months and you applied in december yes? So does that mean they've dropped it back to 9-12 months? great news if they have! I applied end of july just after they raised it to 10-14 months, but at the moment grants are being made at around 9 months, and I cant see why they would suddenly jump to 10 months.

  9. Hello!


    I am new to this forum and so glad I've found it!


    Anyone submitted in February?


    We submitted de-facto application on 17 Feb and they have promptly charged the visa fee on the 19th. Not heard from them since! I guess a long wait ahead but do hope they stick to 10 months as we are planning to move in October and me on visitor visa not able to work which I hope will not drag for longer than end of the year!


    We tried to apply online but found the system quite challenging - for example there was a question asking whether I would be ok for the immigration office to contact me by email/fax so I said yes and input my email address. But then it wanted a fax number also (who uses fax these days lol?) and would not let me progress to the next stage of the application. And I think there were a few more quirks like that so we gave up and submitted the old fashioned paper application (1.1kg lol!) Has anyone else encountered similar issues?


    Good luck everyone who's waiting.


    Welcome :) We applied online and don't remember anything like that, it was all very straightforward and I was contacted within a couple of days by my CO. Have you not been appointed a CO yet? It's probably fine, perhaps others can reassure you or you could always drop them an email asking for an update?

  10. Yes, everyone provides two statutory declarations and/or Forms 888. That is a poorly-worded email from the CO. You really, truly need to provide two. The CO is just telling you you don't need to provide more than the required two.


    Crikey thank goodness for this forum! I will email my CO I guess and let them know I'll send another one. I presume they do let us know if we need more docs at some point, right? :/

  11. Hmm yes that's what I thought, but the CO letter was a little different:


    Please provide at least 3-4 documents per year,


    Documents that are often provided to substantiate a person’s claim that they are in a genuine


    relationship include, but are not limited to:


     Joint financial or legal documents (mortgage, bank account, utility bills, wills)


     Individual financial or legal documents showing the same address


     Statutory declarations or statements from third party declarants – no more than 2


    I provided lot's of financial stuff that I hope covers each quarter. Does everyone provide 2 declarations? We've been married 4 years and have 2 kids. But I do really need to get straight onto the permanent one so want to get it right!

  12. Hi CollegeGirl,


    That's great! It's really reassuring to know that you got your visa granted without having the 2 statements from Aussie PR/ Citizens. I was starting to panic, but now I can relax a bit.


    Thank You :smile:


    I've only submitted one statement - from a non-Aussie friend and got it witnessed by another friend (not solicitor but with a job equivalent to one of those on the list). This was a few weeks ago and I haven't heard anything. I'm now wondering whether we should have done 2? We weren't actually advised that we had to provide any, it was on the list of options of evidence with a note saying not more than two (this was in the letter sent from the CO). It's all very confusing!

  13. has anyone applied for a partner visa in the past week or 2? has the processing time changed for new applicants?

    also would you still need to travel to australia to validate the visa 1year after medicals also?


    I applied a couple of weeks ago and got a letter a few days later assigning CO and saying 10-14 months wait. They told me not to get medical or police checks until after January 28th to ensure plenty of time to enter Australia after they grant the visa.

  14. The online is a newish thing but plenty of people are doing so. I guess its whatever works best for you but I think online is the preferred way.


    I applied before the online was brought (back) in and tbh if we could have scanned and uploaded everything online I'd have much preferred doing this than chasing my tail to get stuff certified and all that. And the hassle of sorting it all to post etc.


    Thank you, that's useful to know. Yes it does sound easier to just scan everything. :)

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