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Posts posted by Ceri09

  1. Ah right i see, I know what you mean about being restricted to one employer but to go over on the 489 visa you have to work within your occupation for two years. I love my job so will only want to do hairdressing when I'm over there anyway, and hoping that having a four year visa I will able to find a job ok.

    Sounds like you both had an amazing time though. But that is crazy you met your partner over there and he is from your home town. I met people on the cruise liners from where I live was mad, a client emigrated to oz 40 years ago recognised my accent and ended up she use to live a few miles from me.



    Super excited to go now 23 weeks and counting. Feels like forever!!!

  2. I'm glad I didn't have to go through all that, baffles my why I didn't but I did do my skills assessment in 2013 so it might have changed since then. The reason mine has took so long is because of my agent was messing me about then later went into liquidation but when I took it upon myself in September I then was granted the visa in Feb, so was quite quick, but got there in the end anyway.


    I did the Ielts test too had to do it twice also again got there in the end. I hated English in school so found it very hard give me maths any day.


    We are looking at moving to the Sunshine Coast although my cousin lives in Cairns which is like a 20 hour drive away, but I found Sunshine Coast was more central so preferred there.


    I've been qualified level 3 for 7 years nearly. What about yourselves?

  3. Hi,


    thanks very much, it was so stressful doing it on your own the not knowing if you have everything you need and if it is up to standard. Was told it was a big risk, But I got there in the end.


    I did my skills assessment when u was still going through my migrant agent so help me sort that out I just had to fill in a terrible long form with in depth work experience. I wasn't aware there were the likes of vetassess I just had this form to fill in and had to wait about 10 weeks for my result.


    We are going in October this year, would of gone sooner but gives us more time to save plus my brother is having a baby in September so want to see it before I go. We are heading to QLD, I have been there when I worked on the cruise liners and I have a cousin who lives there too, so on my statement to QLD I included this and just said why i liked it etc.


    did you have to do you Ielts test?


    Ceri x

  4. Hi,


    I have just quickly read over your posts. I am a hairdresser and was accepted in Feb for 489 visa in QLD.


    Regarding the skills assessment I didn't have to do an interview I did mine through TRA skills assessment, I did always wonder if I would have to do an interview or a practical test but it haven't and I have a visa.


    I originally went with an agency to help me, but they went into liquidation and later found out they were a fraudulent company and tell you you can apply and you are eligible take your money then don't help. The original visa they told me I was eligible for I actually wasn't. When I decided to go on my on with the application I found out I was only able to get the 489 visa, which once you have submitted an EOI and a state has selected you for sponsorship that's when you need to prove your funds, (me and my partner have been saving for a house so we had enough). Then you must also write a statement of why you want to work and live in that state, then you pay a fee to the state who then will tell you two weeks after you applied to them if they except you. If they have then you have 60 days to apply for the ACTUAL visa, which then takes 3months to process or for me just under.


    I hope that makes some sort of sense, please ask me if you want me to go over anything, it's so stressful. I still can't believe we are going.





  5. Hi, I am a hairdresser and I am wondering if my electrical equipment will work normally in oz with an adaptor? Or will I need to change my wires? I have a professional hairdryer and GHD straighteners and just want to make sure they work before I buy new ones. Also will our tv's work? Thanks in advance



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