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Posts posted by oz2014

  1. I have been lucky enough to get the golden email today with my letter of eligibility from AHPRA.

    My background is having a BA Nursing Studies & BSc Hons Specialist Community Public Health Nursing.


    However, after 20+ years of nursing alongside colleagues who's training ranged from the old modular training through to masters level I am deeply saddened that highly trained, highly experienced, dedicated & intuitive nurses are not perceived to be 'good enough'. I will continue to support everyone on here & it's from the bottom of my heart that I hope you are all successful in knocking down & destroying the large barrier AHPRA have erected on your path to Oz xx


    so pleased for you at least degree nurses getting reg.

  2. Hi everyone today I received my letter for more info to be sent to aphra seems pointless since I'm a diploma nurse but anyway every time I try to email the CO I get the email returned as a bad gateway. The end of the email address is @aphra.gov.au I thought it would of been ahpra how does everyone else's co's end?


    try ahpra.gov.au rather than aphra.gov.au

  3. Seems it going round in circles as TRA is for some occupations . Anmac carry out nurses but ahpra state not equal as per AQF they then say oh no that's not us it TRA(nearly sure TRA not used for nursing! Will check web later) it's a bit of a joke if my employment wasn't resting on ahpra!

  4. Gutted for you as I am also diploma nurse feel the pain. Dreading my refusal as bridging course is expensive. That's if I get bringing course as children trained only especially after anmac has assessed my diploma as equal to australian degree.

  5. I am hoping to hear something this week/early next week. They set a deadline of 19th Jun to make a decision on my case, (they chose to extend the assessment period). They haven't contacted me to extend it again....yet! but as it is tomorrow, I am hoping this will be result time.


    I am hoping for a yes, expecting a no and a suggestion of bridging :wacko:


    fingers and toes crossed and positive vibes. Hope you hear soon.

  6. Brick wall banging head! Rang ahpra this am told to put my query in via email!

    rang Nmc for help with criteria 8 was told they couldn't help so go back to uni( Nmc who set the education standards as I quoted to her)

    nearly afraid to ring school and am ready to throw in towel and stay put!!! I know I did medicine just not a specific module in it. And update it every 3 yrs!!! Frustrated is not the word. Soz for rant but am close to tears over this last piece of info.

    Update;spoke to uni very helpful lady she now on the case for info:) as has dealt with new criteria recently.

  7. I was in exactly the same boat oz2014. My uni provided a statement of NMC standards of education which includes medicines management and standards for registered nurses for criteria 8. They seemed to know all about it, and said that's what they had provided for other recent students and which was accepted! Mine has been sent and has been accepted also so give it a whirl! And just attach the relevant new AHPRA paperwork for them to complete for criteria 2. For criteria 6 they provided a programme specification for when I studied, they weren't totally happy with it, but uni said there's literally nothing else they can provide and AHPRA have since said what I have sent is fine and they will proceed.

    Good Luck! If you need any info give us a shout or just bombard the direct contact email that is on your letter, that's what I do, they must be sick of me, but needs must!! ;)



    Thank you you for giving me back a little hope(especially as in night duty this weekend lol) will contact ahpra Monday. Nmc have stated they will forward info needed. Criteria 2 is already sorted it's 3 but again Nmc area. I was especially worried about criteria 6 but will take your suggestion again thank you. Also May pm u for more info if get nowhere. Hope u get sorted soon. I head to oz oct so hope it sorted by then!

    Thank you so much


  8. After nearly 2.5 months I have been requested to send more info on my uni being credited my course details(they have my transcript!!) and the medication one which I thought transcript would cover! My uni will be busy as offers for undergrad where out ytday but will have to contact them. Not sure how to prove pharm etc if it not in transcripts!

  9. I had an email from them on 5/3/14 saying they'd received my application & the money was taken the same day. I've asked my uni & NMC for further info to be sent to cover criteria 2,3 & 8 so now hoping they can do that & also hoping it doesn't get lost in transit.


    Thanks got email ytday stating it arrived also money out same day, now just to wait for them to ask for more info!!! But at least it has arrived so another tick on the to do list

  10. I thought that too xlornax, unfortunately I'm in Newcastle upon Tyne so a bit to far to travel, although at these prices a trip to Exeter probably wouldn't be much more!! ;)


    I'm sure I have a file at work with years worth of certificates from training days, would I send the lot, or just recent ones, like the last year or two?


    hey bouncy guidelines for cpd on ahpra web site but it basically 20hrs in last year. There is template on site ( can't put link up soz as not great with tech) I got my ward manager to verify cpd. Even reading article can count as do mandatory study!


    Big Mac see you sent ur ahpra just before I did any word from they!!(am praying mine not lost:( the thought of gathering all info again:( then again only posted two weeks.

  11. Hello everyone,


    I'm new to the site and already finding all the posts on this thread and others the best source of information out there! Thank you!


    It's terrible to hear of the delays and problems so many people are having in getting their registration...we'll get there in the end it's just so slow!


    I'm an RN in Scotland looking to move to Perth basically ASAP but just at the beginning of my journey. So many things to think about.


    The one thing I'm a bit worried about at the moment is that I received an email from WA Health saying that AHPRA were currently only issuing LOE valid for 3 months as opposed to the previous 12 months! I haven't been able to find any more information about this and was hoping somebody on here might know something?? Obviously this makes things even more difficult if I would have to present in person to finalise registration and there would be no guarantee I could make it to Australia at 3 months notice when my LOE could arrive at any time.


    Maybe they meant that u would have to re registrar in May as ahpra year may to may(or June to June can't remember) here's hoping anyway

  12. Hi am gathering documents for ahpra as hoping to get anmac in few weeks however emailed ahpra to see if my Nmc good standing still ok as it sent sep at same time as to anmac, :( reply states they don't have it!! I have letter from Nmc to say it sent. What to do bite bullet and resend or point out to ahpra that they really should have it. Think seen others with similar problem so best best to resolve welcome. Thanks in advance.


    Well I emailed aphra saying how disappointing as had letter from Nmc stating date it was posted and :) they found my Nmc good standing so am glad I double checked

  13. Hi am gathering documents for ahpra as hoping to get anmac in few weeks however emailed ahpra to see if my Nmc good standing still ok as it sent sep at same time as to anmac, :( reply states they don't have it!! I have letter from Nmc to say it sent. What to do bite bullet and resend or point out to ahpra that they really should have it. Think seen others with similar problem so best best to resolve welcome. Thanks in advance.

  14. I really hope it not true as I have diploma (have degree in history but don't think that counts lol)

    I am staying hopeful that diploma with experience from uk/Ireland will be accepted.

    just have to keep checking AHPRA web site.


    debs since you already have your letter I presume that can't redraw same! Hope that the case anyway:)

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