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Posts posted by lucyh88

  1. 21 hours ago, rammygirl said:

    Not so much just looking at the fees an agent can help you understand the various pathways available and help you to identify which suits your situation the best. $300 is cheap really since the whole application will cost well over $100k (for the contributory visa) plus a bond paid by your sponsor. Timelines are also variable and the gov website is less than transparent here. Applications made now would take 10 plus years before grant.


    As mentioned to others, I’m not bothered about the $300 fee if I’m actually proceeding. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem feasible sadly 

  2. On 25/12/2022 at 11:37, Ausvisitor said:

    I thought Paul's response was helpful. You seemed to think 300 was a large amount for the advice you were seeking, whereas the concensus seems to be it's right on par and probably a bargain compared with making a costly mistake 


    It’s all about context isn’t it. When you’re fact finding to see if something is feasible or not, 300 may be a drop in the ocean if you can afford the $100k outlay. If you can’t and aren’t going to proceed, it isn’t really worth it if others are kind enough to share their knowledge, which I much appreciate 

  3. On 24/12/2022 at 22:49, JetBlast said:

    Just to add that the Medicare only covers essential care and nothing elective.

    The foreign investment tax in South Australia (just an example to help the OP understand) is 7% plus around $5,000 application fee. This tax is in addition to other fees a local would pay such as stamp duty.

    Thanks for the example, that is helpful!

    • Like 1
  4. On 24/12/2022 at 21:03, Tulip1 said:

    Both parents pay the full charge for the contributory aged parent visa, price as quoted by Paul above.   So the cost for your parents would be $95,910.  They will also at some point have to pay for medicals and police clearance certificates.  You may be getting mixed up over the part that mentions a much lower cost for additional people over 18 on the application. That refers to, for example if your parents had a 20 year old child that they wanted to included in their application.  As for the non contributory visa, you’re right in saying what is the point because very few parents would still be alive to ever get it.  That is the point in a way.  The parent can be in Australia on a bridging visa but at no cost to the government.  On a bridging visa they cannot claim any benefits or be a burden on the tax payer for anything.  That can cause lots of problems because if they needed care in their later years, which may include very expensive care home fees, they have to fund it themselves.  At no point on a bridging visa can they have access to funds.  If they’ve come from the UK then they have access to Medicare under the current agreement but that’s it.  If they want to buy a house they can but there is an extra charge (not sure how much but it’s significant) because they are seen as a foreign investor.  I personally believe such visas (elderly people sitting on bridging visas for years and years) are for the wealthy only.  If parents have a few million in the bank then they’re not likely to have much to worry about.  Just to mention the UK state pension amount is frozen from the day they arrive.  They still get it but it will never increase.  I think what I’ve said is correct but I’m no expert.  What Paul said above about what you’ve been quoted for expert advice being very reasonable, that’s true.  I think you misunderstood him.  He is a highly regarded migrant agent on this forum who has provided much help to many.  I believe the agents don’t provide guidance if someone has already got an agent.  You said you’ve emailed all your questions to an expert and have been quoted by them.  It’s reasonable to assume then you’ve chosen your expert.  I would suggest you follow Marisa’s advice.  Lawyers are not who you need.  A MARA registered agent is.  

    Thanks for all this detail, this is really helpful and much appreciated. The lawyer was probably my incorrect terminology, but I will double check that. I was really just seeking initial information to see if it is even feasible for my parents, so whilst I have no issues with paying $300, if it isn’t feasible I’d rather not waste that money. When I thought it was $50k total and 5 or so years that seems reasonable… $100k and 10+ years, sadly not so much.

  5. On 24/12/2022 at 08:13, Marisawright said:

    I would advise against consulting a migration lawyer.  Find a migration agent instead, one that is MARA registered.

    The main thing you should be aware of is that the waiting time, even for a contributory parent visa, is currently at least 10 years.

    Thank you, much appreciated.

  6. 3 hours ago, paulhand said:

    Which is a pretty reasonable cost to get some expert advice on a visa process that may total to in excess of $100,000 for both your parents. Much of the information you requested is on the Home Affairs website. 

    If you can’t be helpful, please don’t bother reply. As I said in my post, I am struggling to understand the fees with the footnotes on the Government website. I am perfectly happy to pay for the advice, but thought I’d see if anyone here could share their knowledge before I do, at such an expensive time of year. Is this not the point of this website?

    • Like 1
  7. Hello,

    I am looking for some advice on how I could support my parents to move to Australia on a more permanent basis (which may include house purchase). They meet the key criteria for an aged parent visa to the best of my knowledge - I am from the UK but an Australian citizen, I am their only child, my mother is 68 and my father is 73, both in good health. 

    My key questions are:

    • With the contributory aged parent visas, what is the cost for both parents? I am struggling to interpret the Government fees table and footnotes, particularly what the cost for the second parent is, if any. Is there a bridging visa granted?
    • With the non-contributory aged parent visas with a 30+ year waiting time, is there a bridging visa? Not sure I understand the point of this visa with such a long wait.
    • What is the difference between applying onshore and offshore? Can you do either?
    • Is the 5 year temporary visa an option and can these be applied for multiple times? 

    I’ve sent the above to migration lawyers but it will cost about $300 for advice so if anyone has any info they could help with on any of the above it would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to link to any relevant posts I may have missed too. 



  8. Happy New year everyone! and hope everyone had a Merry Christmas :-)


    Lucyh88 Have you herd anything yet?? Im getting itchy feet now we are well over the 7 month mark! ahhhh x


    Nope not yet! CO said the week before I am due to travel it would be possible to grant. I fly sat 18th so hopefully I'll hear next week?! I'll let you know as soon as I hear! Hopefully we'll see a few mays now we're into the new year!

  9. Audre - I'd definitely go for a little 'reminder' you're due to fly out in January. I am sure you will get it by then, they seem pretty nice at granting just before people go, especially when you've planned for the full time. Good luck to you too!


    Laura - Thanks!! Yes I'm just happy enough to have the relief that we'll get it before we go. Off to Brisbane, was it Sydney for you?


    Newbie - That's great news! I think I'd just sit tight and enjoy the sun a bit more unless you really need to start work! So close now :) and love that pic haha

  10. Yes it seems like a friendly nudge seems to remind them about you or something!

    I've been scared to contact my C.O though as they put not to enquire about processing times. Just don't want to annoy them and for them to me me at the bottom of their pile eeeek! even if my enquiry is valid.

    I've not herd anything from her in 5 months so I'm just hoping everything is ticking over nicely.


    But it's definitely nice to know May are getting grants now so It could be any day! but then again it could be another tow months ahhhhhhh


    Haha yeah I've not dared either definitely don't want to annoy her! I'm sure it's a case of no news is good news though. Great to see a may grant, it really could be any day now which is very exciting!! Would love it to be before Christmas!

  11. Hi Lucy!

    Not long now hun u wont be long! Did u book ur flights already?

    Get in touch with her by giving ur new address.


    Ive never hasseled her. She has always been polite with emails.

    When i sent my copy of new passport today i simply asked her to confirm she had all documents needed otherwise i will immediately get anything else sent over. She simply emailed back thank u and she has everything needed.

    When got that email didnt think my grant would be there 2 hours later!!!!!

    I was so excitedly scared to open it haha mixed emotions but i sat staring at it before opening and yes i cried lol in my office at work!


    Ive never asked her for dates etc. But i submitted only few days before u so wont be long!

    Keep in touch x


    Hey Laura,



    Yeah my flights are booked, for 18th of jan, so still plenty of time for a grant to come through but of course it would be lovely to have it early and know it's there! Haven't spoken to her in six months so will let her know when we move.



    Very pleased for you, great to hear of a May grant. That is really weird you got it so quickly after, would have been such a surprise! When do you fly out to aus? Exciting, hope it all goes well for you :)

  12. Yaaaay awesome news!!! Same CO as me too, vey exciting! Seems like getting in contact with them almost acts as a reminder or something...


    Does anyone know - we're moving back in with my parents for a few weeks prior to flying to australia, do we need to tell CO this address?





    Recieved my passport yesterday as had to change my surname from maiden name!


    Sent off a copy via email to my CO and she has now given me my grant!!!!!!!


    I want to scream and tell everyone but the hubby (in oz) is in bed and not answering his phone grrr!!! Lol i want to tell him before friends n family!!!


    Our application took 7 months and 1 day!

    And i got the 100 with indefinate leave!!!!

  13. Hey everyone,


    Well, I never thought the day would come but am over the moon to say my visa was granted today! Its such an amazing relief and im hoping it gives all you guys still waiting more hope of hearing soon. I applied on 24th April and KP was my co so took just over 7 months in all. I would also say that I called my co and that definitely seemed to help me get my visa through this week although I can't be sure of that but may be worth a try if you have hit the 7 month mark.


    Good luck everyone! I'll keep hoping you all hear very soon!


    yay such good news finally!! Congratulations :)

  14. maybe people just did the health checks earlier than the 3 months? this rule was set because the meds expire in a year so people have more time to validate the visa as far as i know.


    I did not receive any feedback about visa type, but I assume it will be 309.

    Is there any point emailing our COs and asking for more info or would we get the standard response?

    Mainly I am worried that the xmas holidays will push our grants to January:/


    Yeah, I did mine earlier as I submitted my police checks with application so wasn't told to wait 3 months. Have actually seen on another forum someone who just got a co was told to wait 4 months.


    I know, we had such a massive amount of early grants I was sure they'd be more to come and we'd be in for a nice Christmas present. January is seeming much more likely, just hope it comes before I leave!

  15. Hey, I think it's just standard...got my paperwork back a couple of weeks after applying. Now you just wait to hear something. I've not heard anything from my CO since my medical and don't expect to now!


    Got all my paper work back yesterday, now what?



    does that mean I'm close to it going through or is this just standard?

    dont really want to annoy my co with questions so thought I'd ask you guys :)

  16. Junellew - we've also got SV as our case officer. I haven't had too much contact with her, and always via email, but she can come across a bit short/formal, even when I try to be friendly!! I asked the other day whether there was a date for when my visa would be issued and she replied really quickly to say around the 5th March. There was no mention of them being busy so maybe she was just covering her back??


    Fingers crossed you'll get the confirmation soon! :smile:


    That's impressive you got an actual estimate, when did you apply?

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