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Posts posted by GOwen

  1. Yeah, I fully agree. I had mine in 2013.

    The interview (more of a chat) was conducted on a Skype kind of set up.

    The guy interviewing me was very relaxed and easy to get along with. The conversation began with health and safety questions, and how you go about preparing, and approaching a job.

    There were a few questions about welding gas mixtures, and as previously mentioned, the coloured tungstens uses.

    There was one thing in particular, that I think made the guy know, that I know what I'm talking about, which was.... Has asked me to describe a marking out process, to form a shape.

    I even impressed myself, with my answer..... I talked him through, step by step, exactly how to mark out a 'square to round'.

    To be fair, I'm sure that those who know how to do this, will admit, it isn't easy to explain to someone, who isn't stood in front of you, without being able to draw any kind of diagram, exactly how to do this.

    at this point, i felt that he was no longer sniffing me out, and was more interested in where I'd worked, and what I'd built over the years.


    if you know what you're doing, have a bit of technical knowledge to back it up, then you'll be fine.


    Good Luck mate. Let us know how you get on

  2. Hi Hoons,


    I am aware this was posted sometome ago .... how did you get on with your medicals ?


    We are in the same situation and my husband has Ulcerative Colitis. He has never been hospitalised however he takes medication every day to control his condition (azathioprine tablets).


    We are applying for PR visa and at the stage where we have to attend our medicals very soon - really starting to worry now! We are going to take a letter from the hospital consultant along to our medical, explaing about my husbands prognosis.


    I would be keen to hear how you got on!




    Hello all.


    I know this is an old thread, but wondered if anyone had been in a similar position to me.


    I take Remicade (infliximab) for Crohn's, which is an expensive medication - but am going through the 457 process (temporary visa, so i will have to pay for my own medication).


    Does anyone know what position this will put me in? From reading other posts, it seems as though they are likely to refuse me for entry if i were to apply for a permanent visa, but not sure about a temporary one?


    I have a medical next week and am stressing about it!

  3. Cheers mike!


    This info is very helpful - sounds ok to me and hopefully i have nothing to worry about (nearly 18years in this trade).


    Thanks again mate and good luck! You must be over the moon that your visa has finally been approved. If you dont mind me asking, how long did it take for your actual visa to get approved (once you had submitted the final visa) ?


    We are hopefully going for PR 190 (state sponsorship). I have paseed my IELTS and just waiting on the final bit of my skills assessment now before we can move onto the next step and submit EOI. With a bit of luck we are hoping to be there by end of year!


    I am married with 2 kids (aged 5yrs and 3yrs) - currently living in UK and fingers crossed hoping to be in Perth, WA.


    Where about are you moving to?


    Take care and hope all goes well. Thanks again!



  4. Hi All,


    I am currently in process of completing my skills assessment with Vetassess as Metal Fabricator (322311). I also have received my Training and Employment check, which came baack as a successful - Level 2. It states "A comprehensive skills assessment will be required. You are invited to proceed to a skills assessment however, caution is recommended as there is a risk of an unsuccessful outcome. Gaps in experience or knowledge were identified in some areas. Please check your result letter for further details"


    It now gives the option to do a technical interview or practical assessment. Which do you think is best? How did you get on?


    Any information would be appreciated.



    Gary (Liverpool, UK)

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