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Posts posted by itegoa

  1. On 08/09/2018 at 19:56, JetBlast said:



    I am an IT manager and when we recruit staff and 19 year old degree wouldn't really be taken into consideration due to them mostly irrelevant with modern technology. We favour vendor certifications that are renewed on a regular basis. That said my Cisco CCNP has been useful to get me extra points during the migration process so it isn't always about a degree.

    That's a very good point re: old degree. The IT industry is moving pretty fast. Pretty much all of the contracts i've been in (both UK and Oz) i've been hired mainly for my past experience yes, but mostly i've had to learn a lot of new stuff.

  2. Software dev here, and i've been in Oz for almost 3 years.

    I have no degree or vendor qualifications, but around 18 years experience. I had a permie job before I got here (which I got via Skype interview before arriving), and now i'm on my 2nd contract. I have seen job ads asking for degrees, but a lot that don't ask for that. So, at least for me, degrees do not matter.

    Back in the UK i'd seen jobs (contract) asking for a degree as well, I applied for one and got it.

    • Like 1
  3. On 04/06/2018 at 20:38, Jondar said:

    Hello there,

    I arrived in Melbourne at the beginning of this year, and I'm an analyst developer. I'm certain you would stand a good chance in Melbourne, as your skills are relevant (Java, .NET) and you have a decent amount of experience. I can't speak for Sydney though.

    I willing to share my experience, but I don't have as much experience as you do and not with the same tech stack. I used to work for a big bank back home, and at the start had some troubles catching up. Back home companies adopted technologies slowly, while here they have moved to modern methodologies and technologies (think CI/CD, onion/ hexagonal architecture). After arriving here, I applied for at least 5 positions per week and didn't hear back a lot. This was tough, but I persevered and whenever I noticed a technology I didn't yet understand I spent my free time learning up. People expect customized cover letters to the position, but I don't know if it actually makes a difference. Also think about making your resume a bit more Australian (add an Australian address if you have one, format your phone number correctly, watch out with pictures, don't assume they know the companies).

    After an arduous interview process, I ended up with a nice position with a technology forward company, although it was a step down it allows me to gain that 'local experience' and to master the new tech.

    I had no luck applying for jobs from over-seas, which makes sense as things are a lot more face-to-face here and there is a lot of competition. If you get the opportunity, go to a MeetUp (.NET user group or Java community). There are always people around looking for employees, or willing to suggest you to their firm. Otherwise it's an excellent opportunity to network. Because we have to, not because we want to. ;-)



    I applied from UK, had a Skype interview and got the job. It all depends on your skill set I suppose. My 2nd contract I got having a phone call. 3rd contract the same - just a phone call.

    It's worth considering contracting. I'd been contracting in the UK and my first job here in Oz was perm. It didn't go well and I left after 12 months. It reminded me how crap permie work is.

    One thing that helped me when applying from the UK - put in capital letters at the top of your CV, "PERMANENT RESIDENT VISA" or similar. Also make it clear that you're ready to fly out to start a job at a couple of days notice, you can pay your own air fare and accomodation (if this is possible). The employer/client does not want baggage. Worked for me.

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  4. On 01/06/2018 at 05:40, mancmike said:

    Hi All, first post here so please be gentle :)

    Recently received my 190 NSW visa under 261313 software engineer with a first entry date of 16/10/2018 - woop!

    My background is 9 years software development/technical consultancy (java,.Net, oracle, etc) within financial services.  I will be looking for a similar technical team lead type role from October....

    Is there is a big contractor market in Sydney like London? Or are perm roles more common?? Reading the thread it also seems recruiters/networking when arriving onshore is the best bet?? 

    Any experiences and advice in the job hunt space very much appreciated....

    Best wishes ?



    It all depends on your skill set. I'm living in Brisbane, but did a 6 monther in Sydney last year because I couldn't find anything in Brisbane at the time.

    Your best bet is to get the daily emails from seek.com.au and see what's about there. I would not recommend coming here in December to find work though, as it can be quite hard over the xmas/new year period.

    Agents are quite good over here, meaning most of them will actually stay in touch and even phone you back to say you didn't get a gig or job. Where as in the UK you'd get dropped like a rock and no phone calls returned.

    It's worth connecting with agents via Linked In right now, and maybe call them to let them know you're in the market soon. I found a few agents are British expats anyway, so they understand what you're going through.

    Good luck!

    • Thanks 1
  5. My hubby and I have just applied for Citizenship ( currently on a PR visa in Queensland) and have sent all the documents required but immigration are not happy with our birth certs we sent ( born in the 70's). They are saying we have provided a short/extract certificate. It doesn't have our parents names on there and its not apparently considered a full UK birth certificate!!!! but this is all we have and have ever had.


    Has anyone gone through this drama and can offer any advice please ?


    I know someone who this has happened to them aswell. They showed up to the test, got told they need a full birth certificate, and got turned away. Test rebooked for a couple of months time.



    You can order a full birth certificate online here:


  6. Mazda RX-8 (2004).


    I've been trying to sell it in the UK. It started at about £1500, but since then i've gradually dropped the price to £600 and still can't find a buyer.


    Looking on carsales.com.au a similar aged car is selling between $10K to $13K in Australia.


    Engine has been rebuilt so it has value to me.


    What sort of price would I be looking at shipping it from the UK (South Wales) to Brisbane?

  7. Sounds like the Aus IT market is the same as here in Switzerland. It's so frustrating the way companies and agencies treat candidates like fodder.

    I also was promised a 2nd interview, and then got dumped without any explanation or feedback.


    I'm hoping to move to Aus in the next 12 months, but thinking that buying a small IT support company there would be the way forward without dealing with any of this Australian experience crap they keep asking for.


    It's a fact of life, but that's the way agencies treat people everywhere, at least in my experience here in the UK.


    When applying for contracts or jobs, "fire and forget" is the best method. Apply for it, then forget about it. Let them do the chasing - they will come back if they want you. Spend your efforts trying to increase your chances applying elsewhere.


    When I phone around garages for quotes to get my car fixed, after i've chosen the best one, I don't phone all the other garages with feedback.


    About buying a small company, that's probably a good idea. I'm looking at the job market and thinking the best way forward is to start a business over in Oz, doing what exactly I don't know! :P

  8. Looks detailed enough to me. Is this the only reference/job you've had?


    Regardless, if all references have detail like this, you'll have no problem with ACS accepting this. Just ensure that references also show start/end dates (if you can get the actual dates to, i.e. the day of the month rather than just the month). Go through the ACS guides but IIRC, at least 70% of your duties must be related to the occupation code.

  9. Hi,


    Could you share your experience, whether you had positive medical from DIAG.


    I am planning to raise EOI now for applying visa 189. My son who is 18 months old now, had tetralogy of fallot. Defect was fully repaired when he 4.5 months old and is normal now. As you are aware, he may or may not require Pulmonary Valve replacement at a later stage of his life.


    I am in a confusion, whether his medical will go through. He was operated by Dr. Victor Tsang, Chief Pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, Great Ormond Street Hosp. London.


    Please guide me.




    This thread is 3+ years old.

  10. I am looking for some IT related work. My past experience is working with US and Canadian Clients on different technologies like C#, Java, Android, Iphone, PHP, websites etc. Im looking forward for sub contract work or project based work. I expect between $22-$28/hr. I will appreciate if someone could help. Previous work and a discussion can be arranged.


    How the hell are you supposed to make a decent living with such a low rate?

  11. We're planning to move over to Oz late-2015. I run my own contracting business currently in the UK, developing web software with Perl, also learning Node.js.


    We're hoping to move in or around Perth, but I don't see many jobs for Perl in those parts - the odd 1 or 2 pop up every now and again, which doesn't give me much confidence. There seems to be more requirement around Sydney and Melbourne fo that skill.


    Currently earning £385 per day (around $700 per day), so it looks like i'll definately have to take a pay cut when we move over.


    Who knows, I might get lucky when the time comes. It's possible that we could decide to move to Sydney just because of jobs, but then the cost of living seems to be higher.


    Arrgghhhhh!! :)

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