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Charlie m

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Posts posted by Charlie m

  1. We are hoping to move to Australia when this pandemic is over but we need to take travel insurance out but we have sold our house in U.K. not sure how we do this we have no permanent address has anyone been in this situation before our son has an address in Australia he is a citizen  there 

    Charlie m

  2. Thank you all for you answers does anybody know how much the Added Tax might be even an estimate assessed on the goods we are taking over we are only taking clothes some personal stuff and some bits of furniture it might take up about I think if my calculations are correct about 150cuft  on the container that was the last quote I had for the measurements  


    charlie m

  3. Hi we are going to Melbourne to live and we are not sure how to send over our  goods as we are going to apply for 804 visa on shore and on the forums it says you have to show your visa but if we have only got a tourist visa what do we do, also can we put all the goods that we are sending over in our sons name to make it easy then we can just arrive with our tourist visa and then apply for our 804, also do the removal company come about two weeks before you go if so we will have to rent somewhere ( will be asking these questions to removal companies as well  just would like answers from people who have done it) 

    many thanks

    Charlie m

  4. 10 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    Are you living in the UK at the moment?  If so, you'll be covered for essential treatment by Medicare (the Australian equivalent of the NHS).   If you're living in some other country at the moment, then you'll need to check whether there's any arrangement between the Australian government and that country.

    The snag with Medicare is that, unlike the NHS, it's not completely free.  For that reason, a lot of ordinary Australians have private health cover, too. As a visitor, and while you're on a bridging visa, you can't get the normal health insurance but you can get Overseas Visitor Insurance. Here's an example of the kind of cover you can get:


    Hi thanks for all you information very helpful, we will have sold our house end of February we are going to Spain for 2 months then flying out to Melbourne end of April so will we qualify for Medicare  because we spent time in Spain and also will this effect our police check when asked for, ( we will go into vistorhealthcover information you sent us ) 

    many thanks

    Charlie M 



  5. Thank you for your replays but do either of you know if the 804 will be still running next year we know the situation you have to be in to be granted this Visa but we were getting conflicting stories it may go soon is this true 

    thanks again 

    charlie m 

  6. Hi all has anyone applied for804 visa is it visitor visa first then apply for bridging visa then 804 visa I know you apply onshore and then wait 5/10 years bit confused thanks ?

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