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Posts posted by wandarri

  1. Unless you are lucky enough to have brilliant family support for babysitting and childminding the cost of childcare can be expensive but also bear in mind that your social life will change and you will spend less going out.


    We used to eat out at good restraunts a couple of times per week but now entertain more at home or do lunches out b/c of the kids - we probably spend at least 200pw less on going out (yes we lead a good life before kids!) - also we used to get a lot of taxis but young kids means that you need a clear head so we also spend less on that and drink now as well


    Pregnancy means needing to get clothes to fit so I spent a lot less money on clothes for those several months and to be honest with all the chucking up and mess I also have not spent much in the last 4 years on clothes and have bought much cheaper clothes as I was sick of getting my good stuff ruined all the time - picking up kids and having dirty feet and spit on them is not hand in hand with an expensive outfit! Ah the joy!!


    So all in all - yes we have increased costs due to childcare but spend a lot less on a lot of other things - we have a basic family car now instead of a posh car and live a much more simple lifestyle -


    I don't feel we have lost anything - just gained so much by having 2 beautiful girls!


    Don't worry about the costs - it all works itself out - there are so many cheap secondhand baby clothes furniture and toys at garage sales and charity shops you can keep the costs right down, toy librarys are fab and playgrounds are free and make the best day out! it costs next to nothing to have friends over for a bbq and the kids playing together are the best thing ever -


    Sit back - enjoy the journey - I can't tell you just how much you will love it!! I have never smile and laughed so much in my life - my monsters are trying but wonderful!

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