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Posts posted by Lou8670

  1. Does anyone have a link to the actual table of fees that clearly states the total cost of the 143? It eludes me currently.....Thanks in advance, Custardy.


    Heres the link but the table isn't simple unfortunately. I remember when my mil applied 2 years ago we worked it out to be a total of $103k for her and her hubby using the table attached...no doubt it's been updated and fees raised since...


  2. Hi


    We have received some conflicting information around the temp CPV (173) from a couple of migration agents. So looking for confirmation from the real experts- PIO community!


    Essentially we are trying to confirm Current processing times and whether my parents could visit on a holiday visa while their application is being processed? We are hoping the info they gave us on cost, applying for permanent visa and bridging visas are correct as they both said the same.






    Hi Craig


    My mil applied in Sept 2013 and has just received her visa in August this year so expect you'll folks will be waiting between 18-24 months unless they slow down further in which case it could be longer.


    My mil visited on a holiday visa whilst she was waiting for her 173 so they can visit. If it's close to their visa being issued I'd suggest advising Immi as when they issue the visa they'll need to be offshore.



  3. Therein lies a risk of applying for a 173 first ...


    Best regards.


    I expected they would ask for it before granting the 173 so was surprised when they didn't. She does have 2 options for sponsors but yes it is now a risk. I talked to her about applying directly for the 143 but she saw that as more of a risk as she didn't want to sell her house until she had a visa (which she needed to do to raise enough funds).

  4. Hi, Because the 173 is, as you say, a temporary visa, they won't require AoS. Your Mum's sponsor will have to arrange for this if or when she applies for the 143. She must allow enough time for the 143 to be granted before the 173 expires so she doesn't find herself without a valid visa.

    Hope this helps,

    Regards, Val


    Thanks Val. I'll make sure she keeps enough funds to cover the aos! I would have thought they would ask for it before granting the 173 as anything could happen to your sponsor between grants!

  5. Glad it's moving along. Would like to know how she has to send her form 80 and police checks does she have to email or send by post also what options does she have to pay the visa charge?


    Her case officer has requested she scan the documents to an email address they've supplied to her. She'd omitted to do a form 80 for her hubby so has been asked to supply that.


    Re. The visa charge I assume you mean the vac as the visa charge was paid on initial application. She hasn't been asked to pay the vac just yet. They usually wait until they have all other information before requesting the vac to be paid.

  6. Hello Bob and Maggy

    My understanding is that when they give an assessment date on the TEST email that is the date you can expect a case officer to contact you. The process then takes a few more weeks ..... Certainly from reading other applicants posts the final stages seem to vary in the length of time taken. Frankly I would be thrilled to hear from a case officer but I don't see that happening until next year! I also thought that if they' ve asked you to do a medical and police report and if they are satisfactory then the rest is just a rubber stamping of the form and the final VAC. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.



    Unfortunately the rest isn't just rubber stamping. Once you are allocated a case officer they will ask you to complete all of the information they require and submit all reports. They can ask for further medical investigations if there is a potential issue. Once they have all of the information they will request the Vac to ensure you have the finances available then they assess the whole case and make a decision as to whether to issue you with a visa. The only thing I'm not sure on is if they tell you if you're unsuccessful before or after requesting the vac.

  7. Hi we lodged on 1 April 2014 so a very similar time to you was hoping to be there for Christmas this year but it doesn't look like that will happen now unless they speed up a bit


    Unfortunately it's unlikely you'll have your visa before Christmas. My MIL applied in September 2013. At the time I told her she'd have at least an 18 month wait before she being allocated a case officer. It has now been 22 months and she is still waiting. A month ago she asked IMMI how much longer and they said they were dealing with applications lodged 2 weeks before hers, however, there was an increase in applications at the end of August 2013 as IMMI increased their fees on 1 September 2013 so these must be delaying her case further.

    When she applied waiting times were approximately 18 months with immigration anticipating they would bring waiting times down to 12 months but this has clearly not happened and in fact waiting times have increased.

  8. Hi Julie

    Yes the worrying thing is I looked back through my emails and in July 2014 they were assessing January 2013 so their progress has been pretty slow by the looks of it.

    I agree with you it would be great to have timelines from immi so that we can forward plan - but that's just me being silly!!

    We're de-cluttering like mad as the decorating was done just over a year ago anyway.

    Take care



    They had a huge influx of applications when they changed the fees in September 2013 and again when they announced in the budget in June 2014 that they were closing the loophole for the non contributory visa. Hence probably why everything has slowed down.

  9. Hi Steve

    That's really good news, however, I do wish that the update included further info such as medical and police check requests. We just don't know when we are going to get that request, could be soon or even next year! Can't help it I like to be organised and this lack of info periodically drives me up the wall! Ah I'll just get on with the house decorating before it goes up for sale".......



    My MiL emailed them when it was approaching the period they'd originally advised to undertake medicals etc and asked them if she should still do them then or later. They replied and said she delay by 4/5 months so it would be worth contacting them and asking when you should be undertaking your medicals etc.

  10. It would be nice wouldn't it if they could fire off a standard email to the address on the application to confirm receipt and next steps. Unfortunately, as said above, it is likely to be several months or more before you receive an acknowledgement so the best way to know they have received your application is to monitor when the visa payment is taken.


    For all temporary contributory parent visa applicants here's a little update on my MiLs application. She lodged her application on on 2 September 2013 and the acknowledgement said to undertake her PCC 10 months following and medicals 12 months following lodgement. However, as I'd heard DIAC are not allocating case offers until 18 to 24 months following lodgement I got her to email them asking if she should delay her PCC and meds. They confirmed she should do them in November and December 2014 as they are currently allocating case officers 18 months after lodgement.

  11. Guys my lodgement date is march 18, 2013 for my cpv 143. can anyone tell me how much time it would take to get co allotted ? all of my steps have been completed , only and final payment is left. another question about the aos - how can i apply for aos ? do i get some sort of letter from the co or we can directly go to the centerlink to apply ?


    I think your sponsor can just get the forms from Centrelink.

  12. Hey all,


    Our migration lawyer just forwarded us an email from WA Paretns saying that our applicatio is about to be assigned to a CO so to get Medicals done and start forwarding originals of the PCC etc. So yay! anyway, so the weird part is in the medical letter, they've inlcluded my mum as the secondary applicant too and have requested for her medicals too. Even though it's just my dad who's the applicant. Is that weird? Also, with medicals, apparently you have to fill out a form with medical history online etc before going for the examination? How does that work?





    Hi Priya


    Are your parents still married or together? If they are that will be why your Mum has been asked to do a medical even though she hasn't applied for a visa.



  13. Hi Lou8670, I'm relatively new here, so bear with me please :-) We lodged our 143 application 24 June 2014 (very exciting!!) and I see you mention your MIL had some sort of confirmation not long after lodging it. I don't think I've heard that before, I've only heard of the formal acknowledgement which I understand may take up to 6 months? Mind if I ask how the confirmation was received, by e-mail perhaps? I'm guessing it was a very basic acknowledgement? Many thanks, and I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this thread, so helpful and great to know we are not alone!!



    Hi Amanda


    They confirmed they'd received it 2 September but I don't think they confirmed it until November/ December, and only after she chased them several times!!!

  14. hi guys,


    Quick question. I'm sending off my mum's 143 paperwork tomorrow but how long does it take for the department to deduct the payment from my credit card?

    Thanks everyone!


    They take payment pretty quickly but don't acknowledge receipt until much later...I've heard its taking them 4 months to acknowledge receipt.

  15. Hello Lou 8670

    Good to hear about the waiting time of 16 months, however as you rightly said, other people have been told longer waiting times. I think we just have to wait and hope.

    Here are our Time Lines so far. 143 Visa lodged in June 2013. Acknowledged in August 2013, first VAC had already been taken. PCC done May 2014, and medicals June 2014 (panel doctor not really allowed to say what the results are, but you do get a very good idea as to how it all went. We were told no to to lose any sleep over it!! So we drew our own conclusions from that statement). Hope this helps. By the way, how do you put all that info on the bottom of your messages? Sorry if that sounds a bit thick!


    Lou8670 - I am doubting that the waiting time to get a CO is 16 months. My FIL lodged his 143 visa end Jan 2013 and he is yet to hear anything. We changed his migration agent to Go Matilda last month and they contacted immigration to be told it was Oct/nov before he is expected to be assigned at CO. That will make it approx 21-22 months. We are hoping it will be earlier, but not getting our hopes up


    Wow, my MIL isn't going to be very pleased to hear you're still waiting after 21/22 months! I wish in some respects she was going through a migration agent as I think she would believe them but when I tell her she doesn't really want to listen and I don't want her wasting her money doing the PCC and medical too early.


    My MIL sent off her application end of August 2013 which was confirmed received 2 September. So based on your timeline she shouldn't do her PCC until January February 2015 and her medicals until April 2015 :eek: it would be good to know jen1977 and Carob when you're both allocated your case officers :biggrin:

  16. Hi everyone

    To those of you who have had their eHealth medicals offshore, particularly in the UK, can you tell me how and when the results were communicated to you

    I know the panel doctor cannot divulge the info , he sends the results to OZ, but nowhere on the DIAC/DIBP sites is there an indication how the applicant is notified

    Can anyone help please ?


    If it's A grade then it will be as quickly as 7 days but if it's referred it'll be longer. I struck up a good relationship with the clinic and rang them on the 7th day to check. They confirmed we were all A grade. I'm not sure if they should have told us...

  17. Anyone on here waiting to hear about their parent (permanent and temporary) contributory visa? My MIL applied in September last year (2013). I read on here CO weren't being assigned until 22 months after application. She's contacted DIAC and they've confirmed the waiting time is 16 months.


    I was wondering if there are any others ahead/ behind her in the queue. It would be helpful to try and time when to send off for her PCC and medicals as obviously if she does them when she was originally told to (10 months and 12 months after application) it will shortens the time she will have to validate her visa or make the permanent move to Oz (assuming of course her visa is granted). I'm sure others are in the same boat and would also find this useful.

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