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Posts posted by Joeybee

  1. AHPRA are so frustrating. I think it's wrong of them to make people wait for so long, they must've known they were going to review the application process, it's as if they've no organisation in place at all, and no consideration to the inconvenience they're causing people who have visa grants and then can't start work because of their delays. I am starting to get nervous about it, as I can't really move to Australia unless I'm registered with them!

  2. It's not really the signing of documents that's worrying me, I got them redone by a notary public and got an email from AHPRA saying every-things now in order but they "have no time frame for dealing with applications from internationally qualified nurses and midwives", which sounds a little bleak! Does anyone know what changes AHPRA are making to make the application process more robust? It concerns me what it says on their website.

  3. Frustrating. I applied to AHPRA last month and a few weeks later they requested I resend all docs but signed by a notary public, which I've done, not heard anything yet.


    Thing is, if they are reviewing their standards for internationally qualified nurses and midwives (as it says on their website) how does this affect us people who've already sent off our applications based on their previous standards?

    TBH the amount of info they already wanted, I don't see what further checks they could possibly require!

  4. I've submitted my visa application. Am awaiting a CO to be assigned, and need to get PCC/Health checks.

    I'm just wondering, about a question on the eHealth section on the DIAC website.

    It asks whether 'you've ever been in contact with a person known to have tb'. Now as a nurse, obviously I've been in contact with people with tb, so i was going to answer that question with 'yes'. Have other people filled the question in that way, or am i interpreting it wrong? My Husband thought the questions more asking if you've had long term exposure to tb, which I haven't...

    Any advice?

  5. Ugh, getting so frustrated with waiting for ANMAC skills assessment. They received all documents on 28th May, still waiting. I know it can take 13 weeks or more, but I'm getting so fed up of waiting now to get the next part of the migration process underway.

    Looking at AHPRA, it seems just as tedious a process for registration. Anyone got any tips to help cope with the frustration of waiting?!

  6. Its definitely the Academic version and is stated on the siote (http://www.anmac.org.au/faqs#006), its unfortunate but probably unlikely they will accept general. Best just swallow the bitter pill and resit the Academic and at least be happy you have gained 20 points for visa purposes with your previous one so all is not lost!


    Thank-you. Ugh its so frustrating. Booked on to do academic on 22/6 so hopefully this won't delay things for me too much.

    Things like this make me wish I had the money to get an agent

  7. Okay, really stressed now. I submitted all my documents to ANMAC and they've emailed back today to say they've received my IELTS but require me to have done academic not general IELTS. I'M so confused. It doesn't state which IELTS they require on the 5 selection criteria areas, just says requires IELTS above 7 in each part.

    I'm British, have done all my education in UK and got 9 for general IELTS. Is it true I have to do ACADEMIC instead?!

  8. Hi folks, I posted this I the nurses' thread but have had no response. Can anyone help?:


    "Hi folks,


    I've got a quick question regarding pay bands in Oz. I am currently a Band 5 on Agenda for Change and am at pay point 18 (£22,903pa), and will have 4 years post-reg experience when we move.



    What pay points would I commence at in Aus (specifically in WA or QLD)? Would I start at the bottom of the RN bandings and work my way up, or would I commence a few points in?



    ​Thanks in advance :-)"

  9. I've done my IELTS now, so the next step is nursing skills assessment/registration.


    I believe I need a statement of service for each job I've had, so I've contacted previous employers, and most of them have got back to me to say they are sending it out.


    I also need to get professional references from each employer in the past three years for NMAC/DIAC. So far I've contacted two managers to request this. I'm not telling my current employer about my intended move till the latest possible time, so I've not asked there yet. I have a feeling that waiting for all the references to arrive in the post may take some time. Have others found this?


    Also, I was wondering if anyone here has done full time bank work before? I worked for 6 months on the nursing bank, and as such, I didn't have a manger who was a registered nurse to provide a reference for that time. I was hoping the nursing bank officer would be acceptable or if not I could try and contact ward managers from the wards I did work on and request a reference from there. Is this what others have done?


    I wish I'd tried to get all these references earlier because I know once I do get the references and my documents certified, it'll still take three-ish months to wait for AHPRA/ANMAC to process the documents! Oh and the NMC are sending me an application pack for verfication. I didn't realise how many little bits there were to the skills assessment!

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