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Di dee

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Posts posted by Di dee

  1. I never contribute to this page but after reading Marilyn's message I just have to.  I've been living here in Australia for four years now and hated the whole visa process but having got through it, made the dreadful move, jumped all the hurdles and finally settled I wouldn't change a thing.

    For all of you going through the process just stay focused because when you finally get your visa approved it really is worth all the misery and waiting, even when you have to help with the bloody 'home schooling' thing - thank you Covid-19!

    Just hang in there everyone!

    • Like 4
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    • Congratulations 1
  2. Might be worth noting we had some difficulty with th AOS, they base it in the previous year's tax return and my daughter in law was on maternity leave so could not provide one. My son is self employed so not a huge salary! We had to get a third family member to assure me as well!

    It all finally went through though so now waiting for a CO and going greyer by the minute . . .

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