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Brenda Bonner

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Posts posted by Brenda Bonner

  1. Assuming this has been imported under the Personal Import Scheme then it would need to have an independent valuation done to determine the value. Random valuers can give wildly varying figures which is why we arrange favorable valuations for our clients. I can't comment on your situation specifically unless I know more about the costs they are claiming to confirm if that $4,000 is just GST or if that also includes other Customs charges, import duty etc. If the value they are using is too high then you should be able to challenge it with a new valuation depending on how far through the process is currently.


    Without knowing all of the information and details of the vehicle I have done some quick rough calculations, and I would estimate that your entire Customs bill (including port fees, Quarantine costs, cleaning if necessary, import duty and GST) should be under $2,500 if shipped by RORO (roll-on/roll-off), under $3,500 if shipped by sole use container for just this one car, or somewhere in between if it was included in a container shipment with household goods. I calculate the GST component alone to be $500 or less.





    Craig Moor

    Iron Lady Imports



    Hi Craig


    thanks for replyin I took them up wrong there valuing the car at 4000$. So I'm paying duty on that phew....




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