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Posts posted by KirstHelloKitty

  1. Hi there,


    Sadly your reg takes way longer than you will expect. Mine took 11 months and I've seen lately that I was one of the quick ones. You need all your certificates from school including evidence that you went to an English school for so many years. I had to get my high school which I haven't been to in 6 years to send me written confirmation that I attending their school for so many years and can speak English (I have never lived anywhere but England my whole life) but still had to show evidence. I definitely would not move until this reg is sorted as it is a lot harder to pass not originally though. Now that I have passed for 100% I'm not getting my Visa and flight tickets. It's really hard work and stressful but worth it, but they will want all the evidence of your qualification from the age of GCSE'S and A LEVELS.


    Hope this helps, good luck :)

  2. Heeeey.


    I am moving to Brisbane in January and have been looking for somewhere to live with people similar to my age. My ideal accommodation would be like student living but obviously I am not a student anymore (I'm 23). I want to live with a group of Australians around the center of Brisbane area (or roughly around there) so I signed up for different flat sharing websites but all I seem to get it creepy replies and one bedroom flats which I would find so boring. Can anyone help?


    Thaaanks :notworthy:


    Kirst xx

  3. Heeeey.


    I am moving to Brisbane in January and have been looking for somewhere to live with people similar to my age. My ideal accommodation would be like student living but obviously I am not a student anymore (I'm 23). I want to live with a group of Australians around the center of Brisbane area (or roughly around there) so I signed up for different flat sharing websites but all I seem to get it creepy replies and one bedroom flats which I would find so boring. Can anyone help?


    Thaaanks :notworthy:


    Kirst xx

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