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Mr Monkey

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey

  1. Thanks very much to everyone who has posted, and apologies for my tardy response, due in almost equal measure to pressure of work & personal health.


    I appreciate all the advice, although clearlythe advice from https://www.pomsinoz.com/profile/215485-andrew-from-vista-financial/  wasn't what I hoped to hear, as he says himself.


    I think the advise I was given previously came from this  or something similar  https://www.superguide.com.au/how-super-works/access-super-cease-employment-60#Other_conditions_of_release

    I've been here long enough to know that, although I pay the same tax as an Aussie citizen or PR holder  (without many of the benefits) the governement will look to slaughter the money saved in my super because... well just because.  No one said life was fair.


    Given my visa is based on working, I guess I can't retire from my employer and ask for my Super in a lump sum before I'm forced to leave?

    If anyone has further views I'd love to hear them. Thanks again to those who have posted already, it's genuinely appreciated


  2. Hi all,

    Many years since I was here last, great to see you're still here helping people.


    My query is

    Am 61, have been here 10 years on skilled temp visas, my latest one expires next July & I'm fairly sure we'll be heading home then.

    A bit unsure what to do about my Super. As I said, I'm over 60 and believe this means I can with draw without penalty.  Should i be drawing this down & transfering it home? Does it make sense to do this gradually or all at once?

    My wife is a few years younger, is it best to leave her Super here until she's at retirement age/ another age/ as she'd be taxed on anything she draws down?


    Any help, whether specific or generic is very welcome


    Thanks in advance

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