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Posts posted by Dan87

  1. Hello all,

    my name is Dan and I am brand new to this site. Haven't really used forums before so please excuse me if I'm posting this in the wrong area..


    I was hoping that some of you kind people could give a little advice regarding the partner visa. Me and my girlfriend of 2 years wish to move to Australia to start our new life together. I understand we need to have evidence of our relationship and commitment to each other, but I don't know where to start or how to compile the information.

    Do I use hard copies of letters, photographs or does it all get scanned to email on later?

    I just need some general first step guidance really.


    I would really apreciate any time to explain and help me out, I know this sounds really rookie but we really want to get the ball rolling.


    Sorry again if this is the wrong place or off topic and thanks to anyone with help



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