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Posts posted by bluewaterz



    309 Granted 5 mins ago!


    We had some hiccups this week! My CO (DP) has left on indefinate leave with no return date or a referal address so we were worried that our visa would end up being granted at the 9 month...ONE PROBLEM THO... the criminal check (2nd one issued after the request of DP) was about to expire in a few weeks! We emailed another case officer ysday explained the sitution and today we recieved the grant from her! If Im not mistaken we hit he 7 mark!!!


    To anyone who already has a visa, do you guys know how we present the visa at the airport? do we just print the letter off and keep it with me till we get to the boarder check? Also must I inform the airline company at all in advance?


    Hope all the Jan appliers get good news soon!

  2. My partner visa has been granted today! Got the 100 subclass as expected (together about 10 years, married for 6 years, have a child together).






    Timeline for it for those that are curious -



    * Application lodged - Jan 21 2013 - Couple of minor pieces of evidence requested shortly after and I provided them without any problems.


    * Medical taken - April 25 2013 - Referred afterwards (was told about a 3 month referral timeframe). Medical had been given an A grade rating so was not unduly worried.


    * Police check - Early April 2013 - All good.


    * Visa grant - July 30 2013


    We were already booked on a flight out to Aus for the start of October so this makes life a bit easier.


    WOW!!! Congrats! I am so happy for you! I hope the next step in your move turns out exactly how you guys imagined! Best of luck


    ps we lodged the exact same day as you so hopefully we will be expecting good news soon! We will email our CO this week just to see how things are going (last email we sent was 3.5 months ago!



  3. Hi all,


    I have recently applied for a partnership visa (de facto), I am Italian and I have been living in the UK since 2010. My Australian partner and I lived together in England for 2 years until her visa expired and she had to go back in April last year. After several months I managed to gather together all the documentation to make sure nothing was missing and avoid a delay in the processing time. (Complete forms, police checks both from Italy and UK, statutory declaration, loads of proves that we lived and shared a life together, proof of a genuine relationship etc.)

    The application has been lodged at the end of March, CO (LG) assigned on the 5th of April and medical examination taken on the 3rd of May. CO has confirmed all the documentation and results have been received and everything is fine underlining that processing time remains 8/9 months so it should be granted hope in November/December.

    I was thinking to resign from my current job in September and go back to Italy, (I know I shouldn't do it as it is not 100% sure but I was going to do it anyway) for one month at least to spend time with relatives and friends before eventually leaving and then go to Australia and wait the visa confirmation. (I'll go to New Zealand and back in order to activate it).

    I'd like to know if anyone does know more or less how much time before (the visa is granted) the interview will be scheduled as it is going to be in the UK and most important thing if is that compulsory, so I can have at least a big picture on my mind and organise that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

    Thanks for your precious time!!!


    Hey! you are very similar to us!we are currently

    in greece and bulgaria with our realitves waiting it out.

    We saved up,quit jobs and flew end of may. we return to yhe uk end of aug to wait for the grant(hopefully we wont wait more than 3weeks. I will do some shifts at a bar my friend managers. fi.gers crossed we get early grants

  4. My BMI was over thirty five so I'm more than a couple of pounds overweight, but she didn't say it was a problem, just that she had to note it. I'm very healthy in all other respects, and I asked her to also note that I've lost three stone in the last year, she also put that I was healthy and enjoyed an active lifestyle, which I do. I'm not letting it worry me as I had no other problems with my medical and I'm completely top to toe healthy apart from my weight. Blood pressure was fine, as was my eye sight, don't drink, don't smoke, no family history of illnesses, never been in hospital, never taken on-going medication, etc. etc.



    Sounds perfectly fine to me hun! I wouldn't stress about it if I were you! Don't see a reason why this should make any problems!

  5. Yea i can see where ur coming from but was just shocked because if ur just a couple pounds seems a bit extreme unless it is a major health problem!


    Hope ur co gives u some assurance soon. I wouldnt hesitate asking either haha. At the end of the day this is our lives and especially as u have jobs to start. But i guess they can only give the info they know at the time x


    For a couple of pounds I wouldn't worry at all!!! hahaha...Who hasn't got a couple of pounds extra anyway??? :)


    the "jobs" are working for my father in his shop as a back up plan if we don't find immediate jobs...we put that in my sponsor reference... But I am avoiding having to go down that route, made enough coffees in my life to have to do it again at 26!

  6. dam my CO doesn't give us any info! I have refrained to emailing him as I don't want to be annoying...I have prob sent 3-4 emails since our application date and they were literally to let him know what's happening with our meds and police checks. I cheekily asked him if from now on it is just a waiting game and that we should not expect any reason why my fiance shouldn't be getting a grant and he didn't answer! He replied to my email but didn't mention anything abt that :( I have heard other CO's reassuring everyone that all they have to do is wait now. My partner is healthy, has no criminal record, we had tons of evidence , we are engaged and he has a Masters Degree and we already have a house and jobs to go to...I hope there are no probs just because he is Bulgarian (passport class 2). I read somewhere that class 2 passports usually have more trouble getting grants.

  7. Overweight?!?!?! Omg Tulip is that really something they care about! Unless its life threatening i guess :-s

    Looks like i better shed some pounds! Haha xxx



    Yeap! It is! They take into consideration anything that could cause expenses to the Health System. If you are overweight you are more prone to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Also don't forget the vast amounts the NHS pays over here due to obesity.


    Tulip if you are not too much overweight I don't see a reason why this should affect your application. On the other hand if you have health problems that stem from your weight maybe you should look into it and consult someone now that its still early?

  8. Here I am reading the forum, thinking.... cmonnn 2 weeks lets do this!!!!!

    So it's fiance's birthday yesterday so we had nice relaxing day, I took the afternoon off work, we had cake etc.... didnt check his emails cos we were taking it easy.......

    Go in there today.... and there it is!!!! The email to tell him to goo offshore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    We are SO SO excited to go offshore and get the decision, but we also need to work out some cheap flights to go to Bali/Malaysia in the coming week or two - there's a public holiday next week so flights are VERY pricey! we just want to go TODAY!!!!!


    ...You got a 7mth grant?!!!???

  9. Hiya everyone, new to this thread. Im applying for an offshore partner visa this week, dreading the 8-9 month waiting period. does anyone know when applying offshore, if i wanted to go to aus on a tourist visa do i have to come back to uk for partner visa to be granted or can i go offshore somewhere closer to australia ?

    Nope you can fly to New Zealand for instance...no need to come back to the UK as far as I know!

  10. Crazy! Call me a tight arse lol but how can they justify a £400 increase! Haha


    I see you have had your medical, how quick does this come through? and do they tell you where you have to go or can you choose from which one you visit? £270 is good I thought its was like £400! x

    Um it took 3-4 working days for the results to come through but they "send them"(?) straight t the CO I think. They only call you if they find any abnormalities. So we personally haven't seen the results. You can pick wherever you want. We went to the Basil Mansions one in London its behind Harrods on the left in a side street. Doctor was a really nice guy.

  11. Hi Guys!


    I am about to submit our paperwork too!!!


    My partner (Australian) and me (English) have also been together for 4 years now.


    Has anyone noticed that the cost has now gone up?? From £1400 to £1800!!! Just what I wanted last min lol but worth every penny!



    Would be nice to hear how things progress for you!


    Where is everyone locating to???



    Laura x

    Realised this when I paid too!!! It was a horrible shock! Glad I'm not the only one cause some people in here made me feel a bit stupid for not realising the increase :P


  12. Its awesome, I can't stop grinning




    Fantastic news hope everything pans out as you want it to!


    ps weird question but did you seem to find a big fluctuation in price of the tickets as you booked so close to flying date? We too will be booking the minute we get the visa granted and are scarred that the prices will be expensive if we book last minute...So far from looking on websites it seems like the prices don't change that much

  13. Just a bit about them, where/how they met their Aus OH, where they plan on moving to in Aus and the usual. Nothing major. Of course, people don't have to share anything but it can be nice to just get an idea of who we are talking to rather than just discussing the extremely long waiting times or who has what CO.


    I know some of those currently applying as they post elsewhere round the forum but many in this thread seem to only post here so not much to go on. I chat to those elsewhere and in PM which is nice. I also use other areas of the forum (and our sister forum) for info on the migrating aspects like shipping and so on.



    My family have moved to Syd (parents, brother sis)since November due to the crisis in Greece. We are all born in Sydney but moved to a greek island in '98. My fathers earnings reduced by 60-70% in the lapse of 1.5 yrs even though competitors closed down too! I moved to the UK to study where I met my Fiancée and we now are also wanting to join my family in Sydney but we have to wait for his visa first. It's a big decision and will miss all our friends over here in the UK but think it's for the best...the economy is not looking good here either...and I'm kinda fed up with this weather!haha Not to mention I had HUGE problems with my EX-BOSS (YEEESSS HE GOT FIRED!!!) so I was kind of fed up with my life in the UK


    What is your story?

  14. Thanks but will decline. I know about the spreadsheet but I have no desire to add myself to it. I'm not so het up on all the dates and timings so don't see much point. Its an 8-9 month wait, it'll be done in that timeframe which is fine for me :)


    FWIW am probably going over sooner on a tourist visa.


    Interesting to see the amount of people applying for spouse/partner visas on here though. I don't see many of the names elsewhere round the forum. Anyone got a backstory to share or any plans on where they are heading etc?


    When you say backstory do you mean why people are migrating or anybody's experience of the partner visa process

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