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Cheese please

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Posts posted by Cheese please

  1. Hey everyone,


    Well, I never thought the day would come but am over the moon to say my visa was granted today! Its such an amazing relief and im hoping it gives all you guys still waiting more hope of hearing soon. I applied on 24th April and KP was my co so took just over 7 months in all. I would also say that I called my co and that definitely seemed to help me get my visa through this week although I can't be sure of that but may be worth a try if you have hit the 7 month mark.


    Good luck everyone! I'll keep hoping you all hear very soon!


    Congrats, that's super news! Man, I hope mine's next...

  2. Just wondering if you've been together/plus living together for 4.5years is that standard you go stright to 100? Cos i have with my partner but my c.o didnt say anything to me :-(

    Still hoping as that would be ace!

    Congrats on getting your c.o!

    From what I can gather from reading on here, they seem to have changed their procedures a bit since we applied back in the olden days - way back in April. Folk that applied after us seem to have got sent off for their health checks after a short time, rather than wait a few months like I did and they're getting more feedback about which one they're getting. I didn't get told anything either, although I assume I'll get the 309 as I only went over the 3 years living together mark just after I put in my application. Can always hope though!


    I was convinced that us Aprils would get our visa in November, but we're swiftly running out of days!

  3. same here snufkin! early may applicant here, very impatient:)


    couple of us have been following this here thread too:




    says some april applicants have been granted, though I find it hard to see a pattern (some get granted, some don't, depending on workload etc) so all we can do is hope and speculate:)


    Same here! I promise to report back on here when I (hopefully) get the nod of approval, it's got to be soon...

  4. Oh just after I sent that I got an email from my CO. when they ask for further info can you just send it by email or does it need posting? It's just a contact address for in aus


    I got an email from my CO minutes after I posted on here too - bizarre!


    Good luck with everything, particularly with you wanting to get out there ASAP. I will post back on here any progress so that you and anyone else on a similar time frame can benchmark. I'm now just waiting until August to get my health and police checks done and assuming that I probably won't hear anything more until after they've been sent.

  5. Thanks Tulip! :-) Good Luck!


    Very true Cheese! Once Ive heard from a case officer Ill be at ease haha.

    Your additional info seemed simply enough and at least it is not something too indepth to justify! Fingers crossed for you.

    I take it you are applying on marriage grounds. I cant wait to get back out to Oz! Where abouts will you be settling?


    Well hopefully by next weekend you will have had the nod that all is is hand and you can let out that sigh of relief and maybe another large glass of wine! :)


    We're not married yet, but have plans in motion to do so next February. We've been living together 3 years now, though, so the evidence was pretty easy for us to put together. My OH is originally from Sydney's northern beaches, but I think we'll be settling city-side just to put a little bit of distance between us and the relos! :) And if all goes to plan, we're hoping to move out April next year. How about you?

  6. Thanks Cheese!

    I know I'm going to have no nails left over the next few months haha

    Can I ask what info they requested from you? Im 99% certain I have sent everything I can think of!


    I've gone from worrying about it constantly before submission, to just being relaxed about it now. I guess I just know the hard work is done and I'm reasonably confident that it'll all go through OK. It's just a long, long wait...


    Sure - they asked me to supply all of my addresses and the dates I lived there in the last 10 years. I wasn't quite sure why, but maybe because my list of countries I've visited over the 10 years is very long (I like holidays!) and they're checking I've not lived overseas. Not a problem for me to do this, though, as I just emailed a list back. I knew I would have to sit down and work it out anyway for my police check, but it took a fair amount of racking the memory bank and rummaging among old pay slips, as I've had 8 addresses in that time.

  7. Woohoooo!!! I have finally submitted all my paperwork (309/100) yesterday and it has been delivered today, yes I have track and traced it haha!!!! (9th May 2013)

    Im like an excited kid haha and even though this is just the begining I feel like I need a big glass of wine now after submitting all the paperwork I have!!! a nice hefty 2.6kg of it haha!


    Couple of questions though.....

    How long does it take for payment to be taken????

    When do you get signed your case officer?

    Do they acknowledge they have recieved it or is that when the case officer is assigned??


    Thank you!

    Laura x


    Congratulations on getting it submitted! :) I very much know how you're feeling... such a relief! I sent mine off just a couple of weeks ago on the 23rd April. The payment was taken out the next day, then I received an email from the Case Officer that has been assigned to me a week later (1st May) confirming receipt and requesting more information. I've since emailed them back the info and I received an email straight back acknowledging receipt... all going smoothly so far.

  8. Goodness! Within 30 mins of posting the above I had an email through from Australia House. It says the expected 8-9 for processing and my CO is WP. The only extra evidence they've asked for is addresses and dates of all the places I've lived in the last 10 years... must have missed that as can't remember that being required. But not a problem as I'd have to do that for the police check anyway. Glad that the wheels are rolling!

  9. ​Just looking at the visa stats and I'm feeling a bit lonely as the only April partner 309/100 visa sumbitter. Has anyone else recently applied? It would be great to know who else is on a similar timeframe to me. I'm hoping to get some sort of official confirmation soon and a CO allocated... the money certainly whizzed out of our account at great speed!


    And for anyone that's interested... my OH is the Australian, but his dual nationality allows him to work in the UK so we've been living together in Edinburgh for nearly 3 years. If everything goes to plan we'd like to be arriving in Sydney - where all his family are based - about this time next year. Just to add extra chaos and things to stress about into the mix, we're planning on getting married in Thailand on the way in February 2014 (when all our belongings are being shipped over) and do a backpacking honeymoon in SE Asia for a couple of months before we star our new lives together in OZ.... exciting times :)

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